Try the political quiz

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What would it take for you to feel confident about the safety and quality of genetically modified foods?


Would mandatory GMO labeling influence your views on the naturalness of food, and how might it affect local farmers?


Has the lack of labeling on genetically engineered foods ever influenced your diet or eating habits, and in what way?


Consider a supermarket with GMO-labeled products; would you shop differently, and how would that influence your budget?


Do you think GMO labels would affect your trust in food safety and why?


Can placing labels on genetically engineered foods change your perception of what is healthy?


Should we have the right to know exactly what's in the food we eat, just like we know the fabrics used in our clothes?


Imagine a world where all foods are genetically modified; how does that thought impact your food choices?


If you had to choose, would you prefer eating only labeled GMO foods or unlabeled ones for a year, and why?


How would you feel if you found out your favorite snack contains genetically engineered ingredients?