Try the political quiz

13 Replies



There should be a single intelligence agency for Europe+USA+Canada+AUNZ+Japan+SK+Taiwan


Each country should have its own intelligence agency but the best interests of each country are served by co-operating with the agencies in friendly countries.




yes if they are using that intelligence to help people and to not harm or kill people.


No but intelligence should be shared with allies. A common access strategy should enable sharing of information without unnecessary bureaucracy.


No, but a collaborative agency where EU nations can share information is a good idea.


Intelligence agencies should not be merged but should look to increase co-operation and co-ordination of information


no some countries are more corrupt than others so trading this kind of information could create issues when trying to stop anything



No, but all intelligence services should work together to stop threats


they should have freedom to share information easily but still separate



Good cooperation is vital but having several different agencies increases the chance of picking up problems


No, but I support co-operation between European intelligence agencies


There should be communication but countries would retain sovereignty


No, since they already share a vast amount of information between them and this would not likely make a major difference to the current situation


No, but they should work together and share information if and when required


No, but greater co-operation should be agreed that would benefit all.


No, but encourage cooperation between intelligence agencies of current member states


Yes, but with countries maintaining their own individual agencies and just contributing to a central one


No, but information sharing should be enhanced to the limit of security of each participant


No, but there should be increased collaboration between all member states.


They should not be merged but they should share information amongst each other.



Each country should have their own agency, but information should be shared with all EU countries in a shared database.


No but there should be a significant amount more communication and “working with” between intelligence organisations


No, but increase cooperation between MI6 and other EU intelligence agencies


Each state should maintain an independent state run agency. However there should be an interdependent EU agency aswell.


Yes as long as all states work collaboratively and do not leverage data for nefarious reasons


A central EU agency to look at the bigger picture across the EU would be beneficial however it should work in tandem with other countries intelligence agencies not be made from them



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