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Yes and furthermore, we should legalise all drugs. In Portugal, they have legalised all drugs, this creates safe places for people to consume drugs. Portugal have a drug death rate five times lower than the eu average.


I agree. Weed should be legalised in all parts of the uk for 18 and older as well as mushrooms. For their lower mortality rate and health benefits.


I think all drugs should be legalised. The government should not have control over people’s consciousness


Decriminalising all drugs would allow money to go back into the government via tax, take the power away from drug dealers and reduce stigma in those seeking help with addiction. It would also make using drugs safer.


Not everyone is gonna use it for the right reason there will be a increase in selling drugs and people will NOT use that for the right reason most of the time.

 @9FK4FZHLabour disagreed…9mos9MO

Sunak's likely deciding to reduce Inheritance Tax, that will benefit those who now pay it, but having especially the rich!


I don't think using drugs recreationally or for medicinal reasons should be criminalised at all, it would be a good revenue source, more education is needed to teach people about drugs, less people would be inclined to do them


I think a healthy society should not treat its addicts the same as its rapists and murderers. Alcoholism is treated as an illness not a crime and alcoholics are given rehabilitation opportunities, drug addicts should be treated the same. Occasional recreational use of these substances, like alcohol, should not be the government's business.


Keeping any drugs criminalised, means more dealers, more crime and more people less likely to get help, for fear of being convicted. Whereas if we remained open to the idea of drugs being OK, people would be more likely to reach out if they have a drug issue. Plus, having a drug market, means more tax for the country and a cleaner, safer supply line for users.


All drugs should be legal to anyone over the age of 18. The government should have no say on what an adult chooses to put in or do to their own bodies. Also if you make illegal drugs like marijuana legal it can be taxed and the government can make money from it that can then go into funding schools/the NHS/ police etc. rather than criminal syndicates making billions a year from it


Approximately 1 in 11 adults aged 16 to 59 years (9.2%; approximately 3 million adults) and approximately 1 in 5 adults aged 16 to 24 years (18.6%; approximately 1.1 million adults) reported last year drug use in the year ending June 2022


Decriminalisation aides to reduce stigma surrounding drug dependency. This makes it easier to access support and rehabilitation.


Drugs are personal choice, banning drugs is taking away more of our freedom, of which we don’t have much left in the country anyway


Marijuana is not lethal compared to prescribed drugs, alcohol and tobacco. The THC can help many patients from being drug dependent.


We should legalise all drugs. In Portugal, they have legalised all drugs, this creates safe places for people to consume drugs. Portugal have a drug death rate five times lower than the eu average.


Criminalising of drugs effects poorer communities, while we all know rich people take drugs and do not face the same consequences. Decriminalise, and treat addiction as a health issue, not a criminal one


Multiple countries have done the same thing without major downsides. Multiple studies have proved that some drugs aren't as dangerous as thought previously and offer medicinal benefits. The government can tax these drugs, reduce expenditure on policing the drugs and use that money on other important issues facing our country, such as funding NHS or the education and rehabilitation of dangerous drugs and substances.


All drugs will be used whether illegal or not, therefore it is best to legalise and regulate. It will help addicts get clean, (no threat of jail) stop drug trafficking and raise income for the government


All drugs have potential health benefits. Decriminalisation of just marijuana would be a step in the right direction though

 @9MZDP7DLiberal Democratdisagreed…3wks3W

Would be a preferable to our current position not objecting. Worth noting that hallucinogens have strong benefits in psychotherapy but are currently heavily restricted.


Decriminalisation only prevents people being needlessly incarcerated from the drug use, it doesn’t actually protect the user. Medicinal use drugs should be fully legal and individuals using them: free of bother.


Marijuana could put people into more compromising and dangerous situations due to it’s tendency to make citizens less present in their surroundings or responses


I agree. Weed should be legalised in all parts of the uk for 18 and older as well as mushrooms. For their lower mortality rate and health benefits. Regulated it can be much safer and it is widely avaibke on the streets already and who knows how some is produced. Also large market opportunity for tax and more jobs


All drugs should be decriminalised and addiction should be looked at as a health issue, not criminal.


We would see even more benefit from decriminalising more drugs and redirecting funds used on the war on drugs into medical support. Any legalised drugs could be taxed and used to ensure research into impacts and best strategies for helping.


There are many examples of how the decimalisation of drugs has been effective, for example on Portugal.


Education and addiction support need to be brought in with the decriminalisation of drugs and tax on drugs to fund the support and treatment.
This would be for things like marijuana, MDMA, Magic Mushrooms. I would still keep drugs like heroin, and Fentanyl illegal.


Marjuana has medicinal benefits but still holds highly addictive and nefaseous effects. However the goal of decriminalising all drugs is to enable addicts to recover without being criminalised and also stop illegal and dangereous trafficing. Decriminalising means more control and less addiction.


It may allow those who are medically unwell to abstain personally fitting options without breaking the law.


Alcohol is legal but has no health benefits and can be addictive,

Cannabis is illegal but can have health benefits and can be addictive

Doesn’t make sense not to decriminalize it we might as well make tax on it.


yes, because some drugs can benefit you and make you not do bad things i.e if mentally your not in a good place mentally and take marijuana it will clam you down make you tired and go sleep whereas if u didnt take that an d your really struggling mentally you might end up doing something life threatening.


As an adult I reserve the right to put any substance that I so desire into my body. The fact that it may lead to negative consequences is a risk that I have the knowledge and accountability to undertake responsibly. Alcohol can easily ruin one's life as well as that of nearby people, but we understand that people should be allowed to make their own decisions around it. The same logic should be applied to all intoxicants.


I believe its a good idea as its a non harmful drug, however marijuana substitutes such as mamba should still be illegal


Marajuana has been shown to have medicinal benefits and it is less harmful to use than other legalised "drugs" such as smoking and alcohol


Decriminalisation is a proven method of reducing drug taking, overdoses and needle sharing in countries like Portugal


Yes I suppose functioning drug use. It is safer for the public for the full legalisation of drugs. They can be taken in a controlled environment with safe product that does not threaten their lives. The tax from these products can be better spent in prevention that punishment and stops criminal gangs from benefitting from the plight of others. In other countries where this has been implemented with state run programs there have been an astounding decrease in drug related deaths as well an overall crimes committed. This is because drug addiction is a sickness not something that should be punished. If it can be cured, there is no need for unnecessary violent crimes to take place other than mental illness.

 @9JTDQ25 disagreed…4mos4MO

Yes absolutely, we should go further and legalise and tax the sale of Marijuana capitalist on the taxes and take the cash flow out of organized crime.


All substance abuse causes harm, decriminalisation makes it a public health issue and not a criminal issue.


I believe it would stop or at least lower sex trafficking
Crime involving drugs
Take the power away from the criminals


i agree with that but if we were to be able to get people to pay the same rates as cigs compared to that you would have more money to spend on stuff like schools so you can educate people better on this sort of stuff


All drugs decriminalised and all currently illegal drugs that are beneficial to identified health conditions made freely available on prescription


Why marijuana and not other deugs who have shown medicinal benefits. Legalise all drugs, cut red tape and redirect all effort of the services involved in 'war on drugs' to other areas. Tax drug production and distribution. Let's move on it' 21st century


Because it is a legal medical aid in the uk proving to the government it helps also if you make it legal if taxed right you would get the country out of debt


All drugs decriminalised and all currently illegal drugs that are beneficial to identified health conditions made freely available on prescription

 @9NHD8K6Reform UK disagreed…1wk1W

I think it's like alcohol yes they should legalise weed but then other stuff such as ecstasy which is a lot more harmful than weed should be legal but with restrictions on where you can do it and with how much you can buy but as I said its like alcohol which is someone's choice and if they drink they drink if they don't they dont


All drugs should be decriminalised and treated as a health concern rather than a criminal one in order to help reduce drug addiction and overdose and ensure people get the help they need rather than just throwing them in prison

 @9MWNVBYLabour disagreed…3wks3W

Decriminalising cannabis is a good start but all drugs should be decriminalised to removed their sale from the black economy (criminals)


Yes and furthermore, we should legalise all drugs. In Portugal, they have legalised all drugs, this creates safe places for people to consume drugs. Portugal have a drug death rate five times lower than the eu average.

 @9M2L9TH disagreed…1mo1MO

It should be treated the same way as we treat alcohol and tobacco, and taxed the same way too, could also add a NI contribution too and if it’s effective add a NI contributions to tobacco and alcohol as well.

 @9LQBW98 disagreed…2mos2MO

Portugal legalised all drugs in 2001 and it the data shows reduced overdosing, better rehabilitation and it helped to challenge the social stigma surrounding drug use which created safe spaces where people could get help without having to worry about getting into trouble with law enforcement.
It would also allow the government to regulate these drugs to help make them less dangerous to citizens.


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