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3 Replies




 @9625JPZLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Public transportation should be reviewed generally as its inefficient



Yes, and provide more free or subsidised transportation with reduced bus and rail fares


We should find a middle ground in Part Privatisation and Public ownership allowing for cheaper travel


Yes especially in rural areas where there are few alternatives. Environmental impact should always be considered


The Government has subsided transport in London far too much ...but has failed for decades to subsidize transport in the rest of Britain ...time for a change


Yes but the service need to be improved; longer service running times, more frequent times during the academic year and reduced or capped fares


Needs modernising, not more of it. I will never use public transport.


Yes, but only if the spending goes towards environmentally friendly solutions which are free.


Yes, but the cost of tickets should be linked to the equivalent cost of car sharing, thus encouraging people back on to public transport.


We should only slightly increase funding for public transport to allow a better work quality and more efficient service.


increase funding, providing cheaper or free transport with eco friendly options available


yes, more free public transportation should be available while working on more eco friendly solutions


no and decrease it only on wastefull spending and if we have control of the cost of living under control and have more extra spending use it to make it better but raise rail workers rights



Yes we need better quality public transport that can be affordable for all types of people.


Yes, all routes within a certain region should be free and cross-regional travel should be subsidized to prevent pollution and traffic problems from cars


I think it’s funding is perfect and should never be lowered or hired


Yes, but only if the extra spending goes towards biodegradable materials and safer fuels to use for transport.


No, they need to improve infrastructure first so that public transport can be more efficient and effective first so people prefer to use it than own cars




Gov might want to make it affordable to even get on Public transport first. There cost rises are making it unaffordable.

 @8ZGN59JLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

Yes, and there should be more focus on increasing reliable public transport in smaller towns that are often forgotten about


We should redice spending but Bring back Nationalised Buses (with private competition and return British Bus Company and National Express). Also, Bring back Nationalised British Rail


Yes, this countries public transportation system needs a total overhaul. The only way to provide a suitable, manageable and effective public transportation system is through new investment which will also go towards making it "greener".


I don't think it needs more or less funding, but there should be reductions and exceptions for some people or just more reductions in general in regard to the price it costs for the individual to use public transport. Better allocation of funding to improve the quality of public transportation combined with more nationalisation. But it's alright enough at the moment anyways, just with room for improvement.


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