Try the political quiz

5 Replies


Increase slightly for large multinational corporations but keep the same for small businesses, and close all tax loops


Increase for large multination corporations, lower for small businesses, tax shareholder dividends, and eliminate loop holes


We need to do something to prevent the power of monopolies and the loopholes they go through to avoid scrutiny by setting up smaller but connected companies who force down prices to remove SMEs from the market and then have price control once the market is cornered with no/minim competition. Amazon is a good idea but it has too much power & has contributed to the destruction the high street. Also, why is a US company used to host government websites such as Companies House?


Keep current rates but eliminate deductions and loop holes but Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses


Corporations should be abolished and production brought to common ownership.


Increase tax on companies which do not follow ethical human rights and environmental policies


Corporations should be taxed on EBITDA, not Net Profit and should be paid where it is earnt not where the HQ is



Base corp rate on both size and lowest paid staff (higher paid staff inc. supply chain = lower corp tax)



Eliminate income tax, disallow all deductions, increase the sales tax.


Replace Corporation Tax and VAT with one combined tax called purchase tax and keep them low with higher for certain products.


Raise taxes for corporations that do really good, but then lower taxes for corporations that are not doing really good as part of supporting their taxes


Reduce tax rates for businesses who invest over a certain amount or employ so many amount of people


 @8YN6D4LLiberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y


Raise, but only slightly. Close tax loop holes and provide incentives to have worker representation on company boards:


Assessment on mulitnational and large corporations and determine a taxing structure based on either turnover or profits or both as required. Tax incentives should exist to encourage High street presence .


National debates will be held on the issue. The public will be asked via Liquid Democracy a series of questions on raising taxes on corporations and small businesses.


Increase drastically for all corporations while lowering the tax rate for the working class




Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses and close loopholes and eliminate deductions


we should be gettign the best companeis to want to set up shop in UK


Increase for large multinationals and eliminate loop holes but lower taxes for small businesses


Tax should be at point of spending not point of earning. Corporations then pay tax on any and all outgoings, including wages, dividends, purchases, etc.


Only raise it for large corporations with profits over a certain threshold, as this otherwise effects small businesses like my social enterprise/community interest company


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