Try the political quiz

176 Replies


Have you or someone you know ever been treated unjustly, and how does that shape your view on historical entitlements?


I have never been treated unjustly however I recognise inequality within history


How do you perceive the difference between fighting for national identity and respecting existing communities?


I think that recognising and respecting existing communities is very important and the fight for national identity shouldn't be a cause for mass genocide.


How do you think heritage and history should influence modern-day decision-making about land and people?


It is critical but the rights of those who have been there the longest should be valued more than new arrivals


How can a society ensure that the narratives of all its communities are recognized and respected?

 @9HM95XTLiberal Democrat answered…6mos6MO

By broadcasting truthful, equal versions of events and not strongly demonising one side for personal benefit as private news corporations often do. If we are to form our own opinions on Zionism we need the correct facts to make that decision.


How do global events shape your beliefs about the fairness of international interventions in establishing or dissolving states?


Zionism and the Apartheid state of Isreal have and continue to genocide Palestine and are planning operations within other countries the Uk should stand against Israel's continued act of destruction as to protect the innocent and repair the damage that we inflicted by helping Isreal colonise Palestien


What does true coexistence mean to you in a world where people have deep historical and cultural ties to the same place?

 @9HSY87Mfrom Virginia answered…5mos5MO

The right to live and be free in a place of historic importance, without fear of retribution.


If you had the power to resolve an age-old conflict, what principles would guide your decision-making?


In what ways do you think historical grievances should be addressed by modern society?


How important is it for everyone to have a place they can call home, and what should happen if that right conflicts with another's?


In a world of limited resources, how can we ensure that justice is upheld when there are competing interests?


Discuss the role you believe empathy should play when facing the challenges of reconciling national identity with the rights of others.


Can you draw from a personal experience where you felt your voice was unheard to discuss the concept of national representation?


How do you approach the notion of 'fairness' when there are historical injustices at play?


What are the potential dangers or benefits of creating a state meant to serve a specific ethnic or religious group?


What are the personal values you believe should guide our approach to complex territorial issues?


In your experience, how have discussions about fairness been influenced by disparities in power?


How would you react if your right to self-identify was challenged by a political movement?


When have you had to share something significant, and what did that teach you about compromise?


What does 'home' mean to you, and how would that definition change if you were forced to leave it behind?


How do you see your personal values of fairness and empathy playing out in the resolution of international disputes?


What emotional impact does hearing about forced migrations and loss of homeland have on your views on international policies?


How would you handle a situation where two friends have a legitimate claim to the same valuable item?


How can understanding your own identity help you empathize with those struggling for recognition of their homeland?


What role should the narrative of the less powerful play when the world discusses territory and sovereignty?


What do you think makes a meaningful dialogue possible between communities with opposing territorial claims?


How would you propose we balance historical grievances with the imperative of moving forward together?


How important do you believe it is to preserve the cultural and historical narratives of all ethnic groups within a nation?


Have you experienced or witnessed exclusion in your community, and how does that shape your views on the displacement of peoples?


What does 'justice' mean to you in the context of land ownership and historical claims by different groups?


How does it make you feel to see one group's cultural legacy overshadowed in the name of nationalism?


As you grow and your personal values evolve, how might your perspectives on global issues about land and statehood change?


When you think about the idea of 'home,' how important is it for individuals to have sovereignty over their living spaces?


In what ways can we try to understand and respect the significance of land to others, especially when it’s contested?


How might your own sense of belonging influence your thoughts on the rights of people to form their own state?


How would you feel if the place you call home became a political debate topic globally?


Imagine your cultural identity is threatened; how do you think this should be addressed by others?


What personal experiences have led you to value (or question) the solidarity within your community?


Can you relate the idea of sharing a personal space to how a country might divide its land among different peoples?


How does the concept of 'fairness' change for you when it involves complex historical and ethnic considerations?


How might your friendships teach you about considering multiple sides in a complex argument?


How would you react if your community's traditions were at risk for the sake of another group's aspirations?


Do you think your upbringing influences your opinion on who has a right to a contested piece of land?


Can your personal experiences with injustice inform how you view the complexities of establishing a state for one group over another?


If you were to write a history book, how would you ensure all perspectives are included, especially of those less heard?


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