Try the political quiz

217 Replies


How do you balance the celebration of individual identity with the common good in group settings?


We don't need to celebrate anyone. Do what is right and just and rational. These characteristics are value neutral.


How do you think a society should balance individual identity with the need for collective harmony?


There should be a minimum state that everyone van have no matter who they are , where there from, and where they work.


How do you think recognising multiple identities can create a more inclusive educational system?

 @9LJ9GDNLabour answered…2mos2MO

Identity politics allow students to view issues from multiple perspectives, which not only bolsters empathy for others, but also makes their education more well rounded, and helps integrate them into society. I disagree that it promotes division, as our identities exist regardless of whether they're convenient or not.


What strength do you believe your specific cultural or societal background brings to a group setting?


I believe that my cultural background, being mixed race, brings a good level of diversity to a group setting


How has your understanding of your own identity changed over time, and what influenced this change?


I think my identity has changed lots but that’s due to more growing up than political decisions.


What are your thoughts on mentorship programs designed for specific identity groups, and do you feel they are beneficial?


Not beneficial, discriminating based on non-merit related characteristics inevitably results in a less competent workforce


How do you approach learning about identities that are different from your own?

 @9HXKJN8Labour answered…5mos5MO

I don't really care to be honest, they can do what they want and it's none of my business.


What personal qualities do you believe are most important to transcend identity divisions and bring people together?


What's the most significant thing you've learned about another culture that you wouldn't have known without interacting with someone from that culture?


How would society change if identity politics was no longer a factor in our political system?


How can we use our unique identities to build connections and break down stereotypes in our communities?


What events or experiences have shown you the importance of advocating for identity rights and recognition?


In what ways do you feel your personal identity shapes your political or social views?


How has a personal relationship with someone from a different background changed your views?


How do you feel diversity within your friend group has influenced your perspective on life?


How has a recent news event made you reflect on your own identity or that of others?


How do you feel when someone recognizes and celebrates a unique aspect of who you are?


How has a piece of music or art from a different culture moved or influenced you?


Can learning about the history of different identities in the classroom change students' perspectives, and if so, how?


In what ways do you believe that sharing stories about our identities can foster empathy and understanding?


When you think of a role model who represents your identity well, who comes to mind and why?


How can we foster environments where everyone feels their identity is both acknowledged and valued?


How does celebrating someone else’s cultural festivities enhance your understanding of their identity?


What does it mean for you to stand in solidarity with someone whose identity is different from yours?


How has a friendship with someone from a different culture or background enriched your perspective on life?


Can you recall a moment that a simple act of kindness made you feel respected for who you are?


What experience made you feel included because someone took the time to learn about your background?


What are some ways you combat bias or ignorance towards different identities within your circle of friends or community?


How does acceptance from peers impact your willingness to share aspects of your own identity?


Can you share an experience where celebrating a friend's cultural tradition opened up your understanding of their identity?


What emotions do you feel when discussing topics related to identity politics?


Have you ever volunteered or worked on a project that aimed to bridge the gap between different identity groups?


When has recognizing your own privilege in certain situations made you more empathetic?


When has being part of a diverse group led you to a new hobby, interest, or passion?


Can you recall a moment when someone's story about their identity deeply touched or influenced you?


What personal experience has most shaped the way you view issues of identity and inclusion?


How can someone support an identity they don't share in a way that is both respectful and impactful?


What role do you think art and creative expression play in shaping and communicating someone’s identity?


How does it feel to be part of a movement or group that champions an aspect of your identity?


What do you think encourages individuals to stand up for others whose identities are different from their own?


What traditions from your or others’ cultures do you think could bring different communities together?


Have you ever had an ‘aha’ moment that changed your perception of your own identity or that of others?


How does it impact you when you see someone with a similar background to yours achieving success?


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