Try the political quiz

23 Replies


No, but increase funding for social and community based programmes anyway


No, split the funding between social programs and police, and reform policing.


Nuance- Only where appropriate, ie in deprived areas where community programs are more important.


Police need to focus on crimes that have a victim more than just potentially ruining someone’s life over something insignificant


The police should focus on crime, and their funding increased but with added increases to social community schemes to help reduce over time this need for increased police funding


Ideally, we would fund both properly. There is a lack of both proper policing and community programs and it isn't a 'one or the other' situation. It's silly to not consider both prevention and response to crime.


Police need to be more approachable and have training to build better community relationships and understanding.


It shouldn't be one or the other. Local police departments are needed but there should definitely be even more funding to social and community based programs too


There should be more funding for police to tackle organised and violent crime but also more money for community based programs.


The police service should be reformed and they should receive better training and have more departments for different issues


Yes some of it should, but there should be enough funding left for the police service to still be able to function

 @9JBZT7NGreen answered…3mos3MO

We need to seriously reform the police, and provide a wide variety of services that more accurately fit the situation in question.


Invest more in the police for the safety of our communities and increase funding for social causes as both are equally important


These are separate matters and the Home Office should provide adequate funding to both areas. This question is clearly written for the American quiz, hence the spelling of programme.


They should increase the budgets for both police and social and community based programmes so that people stay safe and then the community can help to develop and grow.


I think that the police shouldn't be defunded but we need to decrease military for more community stuff


No, but the police themselves should potentially be given specific time allocated to community programs, it would improve community-police relationships and offer more social programs


Keep the same if possible (and where needed increase) and help fund social and community based programs aimed at reducing the chance for of people to commit crime


Partially, we need police for criminal intervention, but we also need specialised trained first responders for non-violent, domestic and mental health calls.


Yes, I think there is room for reform, and shifting some funds to community centres and crime prevention


No, but increase funding to social and community programs as well as getting the police to be more holistic and community focused in policing and supporting communities.


No, but the balance between the two areas should be carefully considered to ensure we place the money where it will have the highest value


No, increase funding and training, but for all communities, but especially higher crime rate communities.


I think the police should be funded entirely by the UK Government, since they're stinking rich anyway.

 @9FLR736 answered…7mos7MO

Less funding to the MPs and more funding to police and social community based programmes.



They should do both, look out for young people who could lead to commiting crimes but also still yes use the police.


I think we should fund social- and community-based programmes, but also fund the police appropriately. There must be a happy medium. It's horses for courses!


There needs to be more funding to reduce prejudice in the police force.


No. The funding for social and community programs should be increased in any case



No, funding should be increased for both the police and social and community based programmes


Increase funding for social and community programmes while keeping police funding the same.



No, increase funding and training for police departments in higher crime rate communities and allow the armed forces to carry a firearm of their choice between Handguns and Assault Rifles.


Community based programs should be increased, but not at the cost of local police departments


Funding should go to the agency best able to reduce the problem in question, some for community based programmes and some for policing.


No, but funding should be redirected towards improving community-based policing


no, but also increase funding for support especially in deprived and high crime rate areas


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