Try the political quiz

163 Replies


What simple acts could we all take to make our society more inclusive for everyone?


Have you or your friends ever started a project that could've benefited from more government support?

 @9HVVZ7YWomen's Equalityanswered…5mos5MO

Yes we started a project and it was powerful enough but it would be more powerful if the government gave us the support.


Should healthcare be considered a right, and why or why not?

 @9HNNKJ9 answered…6mos6MO

Yes, we all deserve access to efficient healthcare in order to live a better life.


How would you achieve equal rights for all citizens in practice?


I think that the rights of individuals is important, however, in terms of freedom of speech, I heard someone say 'my freedom ends where someone else's freedom begins'. This resonates with me--freedom does have a limit, because if your freedom is infringing on the freedom on another individual, then that individual no longer has the freedom. So, yes, to an extent.


What do you envision as the ideal relationship between the individual and the community?


What role does education play in shaping our understanding of rights and freedoms?


How can small acts of kindness within our circles lead to larger societal benefits?


What's a change you've seen in your community that's made it more inclusive?


What actions by younger generations give you hope for the future of democracy?


What qualities do you think a leader should have to promote social justice?


In discussions with friends on social issues, how do you ensure everyone feels heard?


How do you think empathy can be a driving force in societal change?


When have you had to compromise individual desires for the benefit of a group?


What's a personal value you hold that you wish was more reflected in society?


Have your school policies ever changed due to student advocacy, and how did that impact you?


When has a community project made you proud of where you live, and what was your role in it?


Why might some consider the protection of minority rights vital in a democracy, and do you agree or disagree?


How does your school or community currently encourage or discourage individual creativity and contribution?


How do economic policies of your country influence your views on government intervention in ensuring equal opportunity?


What change in your immediate environment would you bring about to encourage social equity?


Why do you think it's crucial for every community member to have a fair chance at success?


How does the way you use your freedoms impact the people around you?


Why is it essential to hear diverse voices in decision-making, and how does that benefit everyone?


How might our school policies change to better reflect equal opportunities for all?


Can individual actions lead to significant societal changes, and could you share such a story from your experience?


What small action can each of us take to promote a culture of empathy and respect in our daily interactions?


How can young people influence the balance between private enterprise's freedom and public interest?


What does the idea of 'freedom with responsibility' look like in a school setting?


Can you think of an instance where you or your peers organized to address a community issue?


What actions can students take to ensure a respectful and inclusive dialogue on controversial topics?


How can we navigate the line between offering assistance and respecting someone’s independence?


Can you describe a scenario where freedom of expression has had a significant effect on you or others?


In what ways does technology advancement challenge or support the protection of individual rights?


How do you balance the pursuit of your personal goals with contributing to the wellbeing of others?


What role should empathy play in shaping government policies towards vulnerable populations?


How does your school environment demonstrate respect for diverse opinions and voices?


Can you recount a time when a law or policy directly impacted your life for better or worse?


What do you think is the most important aspect of a society that values both individual rights and community responsibility?


Why might some people argue that too much government regulation can be a bad thing, and do you agree?


How can respecting individual freedoms lead to a stronger and more united community?


What would your school or community look like if every person's potential was fully supported?


Why do you think it's important for voices of minority groups to be heard in decision-making processes?


How has a personal experience influenced your view on the importance of government assistance in times of need?


What role do you think respectful debate plays in understanding and accepting different freedoms?


How could the concept of social justice be taught effectively in schools to inspire action?


What is an example of a small act of kindness that made a big difference in someone's life?


What change would you like to see in the world to promote a fair chance of success for everyone?


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