Try the political quiz

183 Replies


Do you feel that respect for authority always results in a positive outcome for society?


Yes and no. Yes because we need people to run our society, no because they are way too involved in our lives.


Respect for authority does not always result in a positive outcome for society. In some cases, the authority of public bodies, institutions and the government is abused, and while the respect for their authority should remain, they should not be allowed to abuse the respect


Can a philosophy conceived centuries ago in a very different cultural context still be relevant to modern ethical dilemmas?

 @9H48ZKGRejoin EUfrom 24 answered…7mos7MO

we need to kill ****** s

total ****** death behead ****** s roundhouse kick ****** s **** into ****** s food karate chop ****** s cut ****** s in half deepfry ****** babies


How has a historical figure's approach to morality influenced your views on what it means to live a good life?


When have you observed a harmonious interaction in nature or society that inspired you to seek balance in your own life?


When have you felt that giving or receiving mentorship significantly impacted your life's direction?


How do you determine the fine line between confidence and arrogance in leadership or personal success?


How does the act of forgiveness impact you personally and the people involved?


What personal experiences have taught you the importance of balancing your needs with those of others?


How do you feel when someone recognizes and appreciates your contribution to a group effort?


How might we each contribute to creating a more ethical and considerate society based on our daily actions?


Why is it sometimes tough to do what's right, and what motivates you to do it anyway?


Have you ever been surprised by the joy that came from doing something selfless?


What are the key ingredients to building a strong and supportive community, based on your experiences?


When did you last feel a deep sense of responsibility for someone else's welfare and what drove your actions?


How can embracing differences in opinions strengthen a group or community?


How does sharing knowledge with others enrich your own understanding and connections with them?


How has the influence of a community or group changed the way you view your role in society?


When have you compromised your short-term desires for long-term benefits, and was it worth it?


In a world filled with distractions, how do you stay focused on personal growth and self-improvement?


How has a strong leader or authority figure positively influenced your life or community?


Can personal fulfillment be achieved through serving others, and if so, what’s an example from your life?


When have you noticed that showing respect to someone has had a positive impact on your relationship with them?


What does it mean to you to live a 'good' life, and who decides the standards by which it's measured?


When has a change in your personal beliefs significantly impacted your actions towards others?


How does the concept of interconnectedness shape your actions and their consequences on those around you?


How does actively listening to and understanding those we disagree with strengthen personal relationships and community?


Can the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom lead to a more fulfilling life, and have you experienced this yourself?


How does the idea that everyone has a role to play in society influence your thoughts on teamwork and individuality?


How do you navigate the pressure to fit in with your peers while also staying true to your own values?


How might setting personal boundaries be an act of self-respect and contribute to a healthier society?


What are some daily practices that help maintain your mental or emotional balance?


Have you encountered a belief from another culture that resonated with you and changed your perspective?


In what ways can understanding others' perspectives help in resolving conflicts?


How do your individual actions contribute to the larger society, and why do they matter?


What role does self-discipline play in achieving one's goals and how does it relate to Neo-Confucianist ideals?


How might cultivating your own morality lead to a better society?