Try the political quiz

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How would you personally define justice, and can society be truly just without radical changes?


Justice to me, is the ability to achieve a sense of wide fairness and balance in situations. I believe society can be changed without radical changes however, more often than not, the radical changes are what people think to first when starting a movement


Justice to me, is the ability to achieve a sense of wide fairness and balance in situations. I believe society can be changed without radical changes however, more often than not, the radical changes are what people think to first when starting a movement.


What’s an example of a time when the underdog made a significant impact on society?


Underdogs create a good story for everyone
They all support the underdog


If you had the power to solve one world problem instantly, what would it be and why?


discrimination based on physical, mental, sexual orientation, sexual attributes that humans have control over. id like to get rid of that. because it is one of the most vile creations of our society and holds the human race back by restricting the population for certain positions and thoughts. and it's just cruel to humans who all deserve respect


Have you ever witnessed a solidarity act that crossed cultural or political boundaries?


the Ukraine war has been a major one for me, besides the far right crazies it seems to be a large uniting factor


What’s a recent event that pushed you to think about or participate in societal change?


I was given an our pass which I find very useful, it's a shame not everyone has the opportunity of free public transport.


If you could teleport to any historical event that shaped the ideology of social justice, where would you go?


What experience made you believe in the power of individual contribution to societal change?


In a moment of change, what small action made a big difference in your community?


When have you had to rethink a strategy for social change because it wasn't inclusive enough?


What is a misconception about radical change that you want to challenge or clarify?


How have cultural or artistic expressions around you inspired a desire for social justice?


How does caring for your mental health intersect with your activism for systemic change?


If you could make one change in the world that reflects your deepest values, what would it be?


What gives you hope when progress toward equality and justice seems to stall?


How would you express your ideal vision for society's future without using political labels or jargon?


What motivates you to keep learning about issues that may not directly affect you?


What role do you believe education plays in empowering individuals to become change-makers?


How might overcoming personal challenges equip someone to fight for broader societal change?


When you hear about other countries' struggles for justice, how does it influence your views on your own society?


How can we build bridges between people with differing ideologies to achieve common goals for society?


In what ways do you think consumer choices can be used as a form of political activism?


What is one thing you admire about young activists today, and how do they inspire you?


What historical movement do you wish you could have been part of and why?


Have you ever had a moment where you felt deeply connected to a cause after witnessing an act of injustice?


How does the fight for social justice intersect with your personal hobbies or interests?


What’s the most effective way you’ve seen people educate others about a social justice issue?


How do you stay motivated in supporting social causes that have no immediate payoff?


What’s a piece of advice you’d give to someone trying to make a difference but feeling overwhelmed?


What would your ideal version of a fair and just society look like?


What inspires you more: stories of individual change makers or collective movements, and why?


How would transforming our current economic practices impact your vision of a more equitable society?


What personal dream do you have that relies on societal transformation to become a reality?


What's an example of a time when change seemed distant, yet something small sparked hope?


How do you envision a more just society, and what are the first steps to getting there?


What emotional reactions do you experience when you see injustice, and how do they motivate your actions?


How can young people make their voices heard in discussions about social change without a vote?


How do you think technological advances can best be harnessed to support radical societal transformations?


How do you measure the success of a social movement or campaign?


If you could shape the education system to better prepare students for societal issues, what would you change?


What is a belief you hold strongly that you think will create a better society if more people embraced it?


In what ways can art and creativity contribute to radical social change?


How do your friends and family react to your views on social reform, and how does this affect you?


How has a sense of community influenced your view on social activism and change?


In what ways do you feel your voice could contribute to a movement that you believe in?