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10 Replies


I think that men and women should be equal in everything and there should be no 'anti feminism' or 'anti men'


I think it's silly. The rights of men SHOULDN'T be overshadowed by feminism, but issues arise when people use feminism as an excuse to limit the freedoms of people who identify as men - for instance, ignoring the blatant issue of men's mental health with the excuse of "but patriarchy means they don't suffer!", (which also demonstrates a distinct lack of understanding of what the patriarchy actually is).


Equal rights means it needs to be equal and not have positive discrimination.


MRAs often tend to make unsubstantiated claims about how feminism goes to an extent of facilitating issues for attention, in particular to the topic of sexual assaults. Either that or they end up unintentionally promoting stances that could encourage misogyny or violence against women.


For far too long, women have been getting the short end of the stick, regardless of qualifications. Feminism is not inherently bad, and it is feminists themselves who should reckon with bad-faith actors co-opting the feminist movement, not men who may be painted as having ulterior motives. Neither the cause of feminism nor men's rights activists benefit from the "anti-feminist" movement.


There are noble feminists and there are stipid feminists. However women need more rights in mny industrial and social aspects




I believe that anti-feminism is good because the modern day feminism is basically saying that women are better than men even though feminism is meant to be equality between men and women.


I believe anti feminism does protect mens rights from being overshadowed


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