Try the political quiz

11 Replies


I believe the goal should always be equality not the furthering of one gender over the other


It has been successful in advancing the interests of women, although with the degree of prejudice that still exists, more progress is needed.


No, they set out to be equal yet we still don’t have equal pay between the two genders


I think it hasn’t completely reached equality yet although there are different views from different people.


It has overreached and began to cause a further divide between the genders (obv equality is important).


i believe that feminism is good and has done many wonderful things however in modern times feminism has gone abit to far


No. The 1960s feminism and it's consequences have been a disaster for the human race

 @9H6XRJCfrom Indiana answered…5mos5MO


Liberal Feminism has been on the rise since the enfranchisement of black men in the US. It constantly ignores marginalized groups and in the 21st century benefits from advocating for "the notion" of feminism whilst supporting the patriarchal system and exploiting minorities and the struggling working-class members.
Feminism overarches other philosophies such as Marxism and post-colonialism by seeking to dismantle capitalism. The Feminism displayed in media does not align with what Feminism truly campaigns for!!


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