Try the political quiz

Which political ideology do you most identify with?



What role do you think religion should play in education, and why?


Religion should be made illegal. Sure practice your own faith in private, but don't impede your lifestyle on others, why is it fine for religious morons to murder and lynch the gays, blacks, and/or trans people but if it were the other why its seen as abhorrent?

Religion has done a lot over the years for science but it's antiquated and should remain a stupid thing stupid people did in the past.

Won't to solve a lot of the world's problems? Outlaw religion, though most practitioners are sane it's always the extremists of these religions creating problems for everyone.


Religion shouldn't be illegal. Generally practicing religion doesn't harm others, and if you practice in that way you should be left alone. Religion has no place in schools apart from Religious Education or government however.