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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3mos3MO


 @9KX97KT agreed…1mo1MO

With a two-state solution, both groups can get a part of the land they say God grants them and they can live with no issues of equal representation between Jews and Arabs.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...3mos3MO

 @9LPFRTGLabouranswered…6 days6D

I support a co-state solution with local control bi-national legal structure and a power sharing system for supranational issues. Jerusalem should be declared a international frees State and co-capital.

 @9LNT6T5from North Carolina answered…1wk1W

Yes, as long as moderate governments are maintained on both sides and Palestine is largely demilitarized


In principle yes this seems logical, reasonable, and fair, however I do not consider myself informed enough to have a strong opinion on the matter


That would be ideal, but it is unrealistic, just look at Israel's tactics in Gaza and the West bank.


Consociationalism as a transition government (like in Northern Ireland now) before the establishment of a single secular state.


I think there should now secular government for 3 religions with equal rights.


No, sever all diplomatic ties with Israel and support a 1 Palestinian state solution.


I support a democratic marxist federation of local communities across the entire region.

 @8SHDQKH  from New York answered…3wks3W

No, not at the moment. While Israel societally and politically split regarding settlements, Israel has no viable partner for peace. All Palestinian leadership, and all of normative Palestinian society views the eradication of Israel as a fundamental cultural aim.


Yes, it’s the only way that both sides can have clear boundaries and be able to legitimately defend themselves if those boundaries are crossed.


I do think that at two-state solution would be the only viable solution that does not violate human rights and would prevent the genocide from continuing. I do think that this would prove challenging as both sides have had casualties and tensions are really high, but I think that this is the only diplomatic solution, as I don't believe the need to displace any nationalities, specifically Palestinians.

 @9KTR4V3from Ontario answered…2mos2MO

No, a one state solution with land return but government representatives to protect the interests of jewish families that have long settled in the country

 @9KRL6QHfrom Maine answered…2mos2MO

 @9KRHRVYfrom Maine answered…2mos2MO

No, both Israel and Palestine should be put under an international mandate


I would have before 7th October, but now it is clear that Hamas is baiting Israel to attack them to look like the victims


Palestine is not a state, there is only Israel, resettle the Arabs into neighbouring Jordan and Egypt as pre-1967 these were the territories of those countires



Yes, there should be two-state solution along 1967 lines with a permanent ceasefire

  @NKHistory  from Pennsylvania answered…2mos2MO


No, Isreal is not a state but an occupying force and should be disregarded as a failed western experiment in colonisation.


Yes, but I would rather have the region be mandated under UN administration.

 @9KG7BW3Liberal Democratanswered…2mos2MO

No, Palestine should be its own country. Israel has colonised their land so why do Palestinians need to share


Yes I think the two-state solution is the most pragmatic for the moment and it's important that there is a Jewish state in the world. However, I think if both communities could live in peace inside a single secular state with religious protections that would be ideal.


Ideally, no. Palestinians should not have to settle for a two state solution with the government and people who have displaced and committed genocide against them. Israel would also hold an unequal power against Palestine in any negotiations and agreements.


Yes, and the West should recognise a Palestinian state and stop supporting Israel until it begins making progress towards one.

 @9LHQQBM answered…2wks2W

No, I support a single secular state with a parliament that equally represents both nations


Yes under the condition Hamas is removed and Iran stops meddling in politics there.


In theory yes, but part of Palestine is run by terrorists who wish to murder every *** and those terrorists should be eliminated first.


it's hard to have a stance on this but ISRALE was given back to the jewish people because of abrhamic scripture

this is one of the oldest faiths and we need more understanding of what "FAITH" is not rejecting god this country shouldn't reject god but it should be your choice.

but when you weaponize a people in to hate of another people based on things their own installed government does

don't be a fool we all know HAMAS is really CIA because who benefits from it?

if you can't rationalize america as a THREAT under rule of tyrany then you haven't been paying attention

also to the assessor if you are of faith be understanding not offended.


Yes, but only if measures are in place to keep both sides in check, and to if people were allowed to freely immigrate between both states



No jews are are the indigenous people of the land "Palestinians" are the defendants of Arab colonisers



I don’t think the two state solution would work. I also don’t have a better answer


I support a singular secular Palestinian state with protections for all religions, free of apartheid. Palestine should be free, from the river to the sea.


We know that the Palestinians are not native to that land, they should be helped to go back home and settle in their homeland.


No, I only support a free Palestine and end to illegal occupation and Zionist apartheid

 @9KXL8WT answered…1mo1MO

No, as the reality on the ground supports a single-state solution, but I would not oppose a sustainable and equitable two-state solution.


Yes, I support a two state solution if the Palestinians cannot get their full rights under a single state, like the current regime of Israel.


I support a two state solution if the Palestinians cannot get their full rights under a single state, like the current regime of Israel.

 @9JXYXZ8Women's Equalityanswered…2mos2MO

Palestine was the original country and should return that way as Isreal is a white supremist colonialist settlement aka Zionism which most Jews are against due to the fascist ideology Zionism is.


Yes, but the current land distribution was hugely imbalanced, Palestine was given only arid desert and Isreal got the useable farmland.

 @9JXLSQC answered…2mos2MO

No, Palestine should be handed back in full to the people of Palestine and protected from any illegal occupation


Yes, if both sides are satisfied with that outcome, but we all know that whilst Gaza is run by a terrorist organisation, the people of Gaza don't have a choice in this, Hamas is never going to agree to anything and Israel isn't going to back down.


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