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59 Replies

 @9NWKFJ9answered…5 days5D

Yes use of bicycles should be promoted but with proper infrastructure for cycling rather than bike lanes tagged onto the side of the road (see netherlands as example)


No, unless you are going to tax people on bicycles to pay for road widening and make them pass a cycle test like motorcycles have to.


Yes, but only when they can govern bike users. Jumping red lights, jumping on pavements and complete disregard is what the problem is with cyclists.

 @9P63Y76Liberal Democrat answered…20hrs20H

Would love to say yes, I have changed my view in the last few years, cyclists are becoming a nightmare for pedestrians, they are more dangerous for me as an elder person than cars, cyclists are on pavements, worse since delivery and free cycles everywhere and free cycles just strewn across pavements. From being pro cycle I am now against. Would prefer to promote walking and public transport.

 @9P524MGanswered…1 day1D

Definitely not. Cycle lanes everywhere and they still want to use the road and cause traffic issues.

 @9P3ZS2Sanswered…2 days2D

Yes, but not if it is at the expense of car lanes - bikes should have their own networks or they should come second to cars on the road.

 @9NZCPGQanswered…3 days3D

Yes but only if they enforce the use of the bike lanes, cycle paths and other infrastructure provided to remove cyclists from the roads where facilities are provided

 @9NY8S3Nanswered…4 days4D

This doesn't help in rural communities where public transport is minimal. Really only relevant to those in towns and cities

 @9NXJ62Janswered…4 days4D

Proper bike lanes are needed away from traffic. Not just token white lines down roads these are so dangerous.


No bicycles should be BANNED from the roads as they do NOT pay road tax on the roads they use. Only allow them on the roads in built up areas


Yes, but must take into account the large numbers of people who cannot use a bike due to health reasons or age.


Not as a tick box exercise, it needs to be sensibly thought through with regards location.. local people need their say


Yes, but not impeding on the priority of highways. If highways have two pavements, make one bike priority and the other pedestrian priority, but allow pedestrian crossings on the bike “highways”


They should have lanes to keep the bikers safe but not big enough that cars can’t go through the same road as them, especially since barley anyone uses the bike lanes.


Yes, but only if there is real local demand for it. Where I live the bike lanes are practically never used, because they are too narrow and dangerous, and there just isn't the demand for them.


i think they should add more bike lanes because it would stop[ traffic on main roads and aslo more helpful for cyclise


Only if more essential services can be maintained first, and if done properly I.e. viable car alternatives in place first, and cycle lanes are not just painted on existing narrow roads, adding to congestion


Yes but not at the detriment to other users. Enforce Helmets, Identifiable sign e.g. reg plate and 3rd party insurance.


Yes, but they must ensure emergency services vehicles and people who need to drive can do so without mass congestion.

 @9NGNNQ2Count Binfaceanswered…2wks2W

Yes, providing they are adequately sized and place so as to ensure rider safety from motor vehicles.


Bike riders absolutely should NOT be on the road both for their own safety and for the safety of drivers and the flow of traffic. Give them their own lanes and bike sharing options.


I encourage the use of bicycles to help the environment however I do not think roads should be impeded by larger bicycle lanes


Yes but make it compulsory for all cyclists to use them with speed restrictions. Also all bikes should have a bell with a minimum volume level.


There should be separated bike lanes. Protected from other vehicles with a physical barrier like a kerb. Also, many roads should be redesignated as cyclist/pedestrian only


Yes but Not to impact the current roads, we cannot do without motorised vehicles, bikes should be given lanes away from traffic


Yes - It's currently very unsafe to be cycling on a road with so many cars. There are so many benefits to cycling (exercise, low carbon emissions etc), so giving people the choice to cycle safely is incredibly important


In theory it sounds great, but unless there are proper lanes like London’s Cycle Superhighways, they are more dangerous, the narrow green cycle lanes.

 @9NBZNXKWomen's Equalityanswered…2wks2W

Not the most important thing hapoeneing in our society currently but could be something to work towards


Yes, but make them safer and more reliable for bike users, so they don't have to skip on to ever more dangerous roads.

 @9NBTQB8Liberal Democratanswered…2wks2W

Only in major cities In Scotland our weather is so bad the majority of the year it would be unsafe to cycle most months of the year


It's not the bike lanes that's the issue, it's the amount of theft on bicycles why it's difficult to cycle in london


I believe cycle lanes should be installed in every town city and village as the road network is making cycling on roads and drivers passing safely harder


yes they should promote the use of bicycles but not by expanding bike lanes because they're ineffective


yes but not to impact on the roads we have in place now, also be stricter with cyclists and fine them for breaking the speed limit, jumping lights, no lights, wear helmet etc


Cycling should be promoted more, however, a lot of cyclists have no road sense, they are ignorant to the rules of the road and a serious lack of respect for other road users.


Yes but planning needs to be more efficient than it is. The bike lanes have made traffic worse than ever in London


Roads need maintenance and the Rd tax pays towards it, if it’s bikes then no Rd tax , most councils are skint so what would adds be like


In certain towns and cities but not to the detriment of companies that need to use vehicles ie. Construction, deliveries etc.


Yes, if criminal penalties are enforced for cyclists violation of road laws and especially harm or distruption of pedestrians.

 @9MRYBPQ answered…3wks3W

Yes, but only if it does not encroach on car infrastructure and is physically distant for cyclists’ safety and drivers’ convenience


Desirable but unacheivable in areas like highlands of Scotland where main road from Aberdeen (oil capital of Europe) to Inverness (Capital of the Highlands ) is 2 lanes of potholed flooded disrepaired mess

 @9MY89LLLiberal Democratanswered…3wks3W

yes, but cyclists should be more responsible and subject to legal action more frequently, should be break the law or offend the highway code



Yes but only when it is done properly. Just painting a line in the road is not sufficient. Cars and cyclists need to be completely separated.


Yes, but impose the same laws that apply to car users with regards to rules of the road


Cycle lanes should be a part of pavements and pedestrian walking areas with a dedicated cycling zone within the pavement area.


Only if it doesn't compromise existing routes for drivers and make driving more difficult


Not at the expense of creating traffic congestion which is what is happening.



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