Try the political quiz

21 Replies


Depends on the technology; at the very least things like self driving needs to be restricted more as the tech isn't there yet. Prevent companies like Tesla from essentially making paying customers and other road users beta testers for buggy and poorly designed tech.


No, installing systems like auto emergency braking and lane control would save hundreds of accidents a year


Technology advancement is beneficial but we need to know when enough is enough. We can achieve amazing things with technology but we still need to have some control and responsibility over our own lives. Instead of, for example, cars that drive themselves we should focus on ensuring protection over computerised systems and ensuring they cannot be hacked or taken down causing things like healthcare to come to a stand still. There have been several hacks recently that have impacted shops and healthcare so perhaps we should focus on improving technology in these types of area rather than things that could be considered a luxury item. Technology for security of the public and our country should be the priority not 'big boys toys'.

 @9P3XRYD answered…2 days2D

Yes, vehicles should have active, passive and autonomous safety systems but should remain primarily human operated.

 @9P26G36answered…3 days3D

Too complex for a yes/no answer, but this should be debated and a decision made based on factual information and a balance of practicality and morality.

 @9NXXS6Sanswered…4 days4D

No, but it should be very carefully tested first to see if it improves safety, and regulated to ensure the best safety outcomes.


I think there needs to be some human control. But there is a lot of technology that can make things a lot safer, Just make it so it doesn’t just shut off for a super long time like some smart motorway stuff

 @9NJR5LJ answered…2wks2W

Yes, if the risk of harm is higher than human use. Only allow well studied technologies with correct policies.


Think this is too new to give a realistic response. The the technology is not quite there yet to rely on 100%. But would be useful to act as a limiter for newly trained drivers to limit speed and silly actions we see all to often on todays roads. Plus maybe have something that picks up if the driver has taken drugs/alcohol would be hugely useful.


Instigate publicly funded development and testing of systems that fulfill and meet the technical and ethical issues involved with self driving technologies. Manufacturers need to use this technology or develop one that meets or exceeds it.


Yes and No. Technology such as carplay that includes maps as well as parking cameras and detectors. However shef driving cars pose a risk.


Oversight on this issue needs to be reevaluated regularly as the technology is proven out


 @9N3Z7RH answered…3wks3W

Within reason yes, but technology is useful as long as it isn't solely relied on


depends on if the technology is required or necessary to the vehicle itself

 @DAVIEBrexit answered…3wks3W


yes until proven safe and when the company accepts criminal responsibility when that tech causes accidents


No, they should mandate as a requirement. It should be like planes where it is required and are fully automated, much safer and do not succumb to human error, drink/drug driving etc. Humans can then take over in the event of a major issue.


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