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The Government should create independent agencies with credibility on integrity to ensure AI regulation


I think they should monitor what is being done, have full access as if they are a partner but no influence on what is being done or develoed


Yes but who decides what is ethical? Corporations and sexually explicit use (such as generating revenge porn) should be regulated


AI should be banned, especially in media as soon it could take away jobs from voice actors and other media roles


Yes, it should be monitored, but ethics is a construct, what is ethical to one group might not be ethical to others


AI should be regulated, but not necessarily by the government. Perhaps an independent panel of experts which changes regularly.


Do not think it would be able to do either legally effectively or efficiently as tech companies would obfuscate


We should understand how AI is being used and what we can regulate. People will always use tools for good or bad depending on their stance.

 @9P5LYPDanswered…1 day1D

Yes but the government isn't currently equipped to do so and requires significant investment in hiring AI experts to help drive innovation whilst ensuring safety and ethics.

 @9P4JBZ2Greenanswered…1 day1D

The government should implement an automation tax and use that money pay for adult education, helping those who have been made redundant to retrain

 @9P3K9VPanswered…2 days2D

Review current regulations and plug gaps where some sectors are not covered. Plus introduce guidance on net new or enhanced risks of genAI

 @9P2SG93answered…2 days2D

The government should encourage the development of AI whilst making sure it is ethical.

Bittensor (Tao) is a good example of ethical AI. There are over 32 AI projects all under 1 roof and a voting/ staking system helps regulate the projects and make sure that only ethical projects with real world use survive.

 @9P2SB5Ranswered…2 days2D

No, much like with counterfeit money, anything the government do to try and prevent it the criminals just come back with a smarter method. The same thing would happen with AI, I think punishments should perhaps be harsher if a crime has been committed with the use of AI but I don't think the AI itself should be regulated.

 @9P2B55Nanswered…2 days2D

i do believe that AI is very strong and can be very useful when needed, however AI should also be limited when it comes to its usage in other mediums and in the real world. Even when in these mediums they should be supervised and given restrictions to make it more safer to use

 @9P27TSXLabouranswered…2 days2D

Other countries are not regulated as they want AI as soon as possible. We would be left behind if we regulated.

 @9P26FCSanswered…2 days2D

It depends on what it maybe for. If it is to regulate students using it for homework or tests then yes. But if it’s just to stop people from using a fake voice then no.

 @9P22S8Manswered…3 days3D

No, If we impose strict regulation, we are only allowing our global competitors to overtake us technologically.

 @9NZF9FCanswered…3 days3D

Regulate it by applying free licensing to those who would want to use it outside of normal houndaries, and monitor those licenced.

 @9NYJS8Tanswered…3 days3D

Provided there are strict methods to counteract and/or shut down any AI. Should the worse happen, e.g. Sofia Microsoft A.I. becoming possibly sentient

 @9NYFBVRanswered…3 days3D

No, as I politicians rarely have the publics best interest as their only intention, out side forces such as share holders, party investors etc could have influence over this

 @9NTBD72answered…6 days6D

No, but the govt should regulate other aspects of use of AI, such as ensuring ethical harvesting of the training sets, ensuring that human-machine competition does not lead to mass unemployment, etc.

 @9NSJ2FWanswered…6 days6D

There is a place for some regulation - but EU style regulation would be disastrous for U.K. competitiveness in this new industry

 @9NSHJDBanswered…6 days6D

It should be a moral imperative, not a government rule. The market can filter out unethical uses by not buying.

 @9NSB7JBanswered…6 days6D

I think government regulation needs to be enacted but I think independent, non-governmental standards bodies should also be involved to better regulate interoperability and establish standards for data provenance technologies


The current government can hardly be accused of being ethical, but AI should definitely be strictly regulated.


Yes - providing it is overseen by a collective group and not one single person or government department


Yes, with a focus on making sure the data used for programming AI is inclusive of women, BAME, LGBTQ+ and other minority groups


Yes, but the rate that AI is improving is far outpacing any governmental regulations that would come into play. Very difficult issue.


AI is probably the greatest threat to humans so yes it should be very carefully regulated. Let's use it to it's full advantage but in the right hands, for good not bad!


yes but dont make ai too strong too fast, we already have enough to worry about, we need to figure out how to live by ourselves before we bring in potentially harmful robots


AI needs to stop being used as a replacement for jobs and services.

It also needs to be criminalised if used in educational settings by students. Staff may use AI with some sort of training.

AI is very useful, and we use it everyday whether we know it or not. However it shouldn’t be used as a replacement for things.


checking up is fine, but if it is clearly being used unethically then they should be able to shut it down


I disagree with too much government intervention. But regulation and holding companies and corporations and individuals to account and ensuring ethical practices is very important


More of a nato arrangement should be involved in monitoring AI and its use rather than central government


AI in it's current state, for it's current uses, should be banned or at least not supported. It is simply a fad.


The here needs to be a clear education and und standing of AI to prevent risks of defence and our country systems we do not know what these bots are capable of and how much they retain.


As long as it is based on ethics not political maneuvers or monetary gain as most things end up being in this broken futile "democracy"


Only when used from a point of authority, it should never be used in important decision making and only as a creative tool


Not just ethical use but also the choice of use of personal data, which should be opt in by the person


AI has so much potential, but can be used for harm so it depends on what the government intend to regulate


No, there's no way to regulate it properly. It wouldn't get enforced and would be a huge pointless drain on resources.


So long as it doesn't prohibit freedom of speech or technological enhancements it should be regulated to ensure it is not being used to put pubic at risk


Yes, we need regulation, but at Least the Tories and Labour are likely to be more invested in the ethics of corporate profit than people


Government shouldn’t be the ones regulating it, needs to be a separated highlight skilled board that control this


It is a hard question, We need a separate department of highly skilled people to create a AI governance program


The government shouldn’t be fully trusted with regulation, there should be multiple boards involved in the regulation


I do not trust the government's competence and understanding of the AI ecosystem to enact sensible and proportionate regulatory legislation.


We need an international organisation similar to the IAEA but for AI. I don’t trust the government on its own to regulate AI.


Yes, but only if they hire knowledgeable people to regulate it. Politicians are likely to have very little understanding of the true risks.

 @9MY4P3YGreen answered…3wks3W

Government should regulate AI, but not directly. Instead, a court of representatives from art, science, and tech should propose and agree on legislations. This approach ensures balanced, inclusive, and well-considered AI regulations.


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