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  @DanielKolbin1105  from Indiana disagreed…8mos8MO

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Well, the scientific evidence overwhelmingly shows that human activity is the primary cause of global warming. The average global temperature has been rising for over a century, and this warming is occurring at an unprecedented rate. The Earth's climate has changed significantly throughout history, but that the current warming trend is different from previous climate changes in both its speed and magnitude. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels, releases greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, which trap heat and cause the planet to warm. I mean, how is it not obvious? Even if it isn't for some people, shouldn't we be protecting our planet and making it a better place for future generations?


Yes this is true as it due to industrialisation that global warming warming has increased rapidly in the past 100 years.

 @9GBPNGM disagreed…8mos8MO

We have seen a correlation between human activities and carbon rate increase since the Industrial Revolution, this has been reflected through the increased frequency in freak weather incidents and increasing global temperatures


i agree that there needs to be huge adjustments to the carbon foot print currently being produced by the uk

 @9G2G4PY disagreed…8mos8MO

Look at the data that shows the speed at which the planet is warming far exceeds that of previous warming periods. The question isn't whether the planet has warmed previously, the question is, how quickly is it warming and to what degree (and, importantly, how sustainable is life under these exasberated conditions)

 @9G4P592 disagreed…8mos8MO

The very idea that this arguments can still be used is appalling considering the fact that there is irrefutable evidence to reflect the fact that is it irresponsible human activity that has caused and is now accelerated by lack of action being undertaken

 @9GKMP6Gfrom North Carolina disagreed…7mos7MO

Carbon emissions have spiked in the last 20 years, there's a positive correlation between greenhouse gas concentration and rising temperature.

 @9FY9VLSGreenfrom 28 disagreed…8mos8MO

There are multiple studies and analysis showing that current global warming is the effect of human interference in nature, mostly caused by the industrial revolution, not a repetitive natural phenomenon seen before the industrial revolution, which takes hundreds of thousands of years to make a noticeable impact, contrary to current state of global warming where the effects of it are visible today, after relatively short period of human interference.


The overwhelming scientific consensus is that while certain elements of global warming have occurred naturally, there is no doubt that human factors are responsible for the sharp acceleration of global warming in recent years.

 @9H5CG6Lfrom New Jersey disagreed…7mos7MO

Shall we also say that the massive hole in the ozone layer was natural? even after it has begun healing after we stopped using the chemicals that cause it and outright banned them? The argument that global warming is a natural occurrence simply has no ground to stand on. Similar to us if we were to follow your ludicrous line of reason.

 @9GZYQKYWomen's Equalitydisagreed…7mos7MO

even though Global Warming was bound to happen without the existence of humans, we have significantly sped up the time of Global Warming by a good 700 years.


there is huge evidence leaning towards accelerated use of fossil fuels increasing the rate of global warming.


You're partially right in that the Earth's climate has changed naturally over millions of years, however we would currently be in a cooling phase without human driven warming. The other crucial difference between current global warming and historic warming periods is the pace of the change; we're seeing temperature changes that have previously taken millennia occur over decades. This is dangerous because it's too rapid for many ecosystems to be able to adapt to.


humans have caused increases in recent times due to big corporations and certain modes of transport.


Yes it is natural but we are causing it to be accelerated before the earth is able to respond to it naturally.


Global warming is not a natural occurrence. It is something that has been caused by humans and can only be fixed by humans


There’s clear scientific evidence that proves that humanity has had a significant impact on the global temperature and that we’re effecting the nature.


It is clear that man-made global warming is occurring, especially due to the massive hole found in the ozone layer over Antarctica.


There is multiple companies all around the world that are all responsible for the contribution of releasing carbon emissions into the world raising the global temperature.

 @9NGJ8RWGreendisagreed…2 days2D

All studies show that the Earth is warming at a much faster rate than it would in a naturally occurring cycle. The global temperatures have increased at an alarming rate since a pre-industrial era. One can also see the effects globally every year; freak weather is becoming more common almost everywhere. In Britain, our winters are getting warmer and wetter, springs are hot and dry and summers have been much wetter. Autumn is delayed due to frequent Indian summers.

 @9NBKP8MLabourdisagreed…5 days5D

The global scientific consensus is that human activity is undeniably the primary driver of climate change, meaning this position is backed up by thousands of rigorous research studies conducted by world leading experts in the field.

 @9N8VQ7Bdisagreed…6 days6D

Yes it is natural but our human behaviours have sped it up to a degree that natural evolutionary processes cannot keep up.


I think that science has proven beyond doubt that global warming has been caused by mankind’s single use lifestyle, massive polluting and single minded greed by corporations who seem to think they can just throw money around and sweep it under the rug. Unfortunately the 1% think the other 99% are imbeciles. Until we change our ways we are only heading to disaster.


It is scientifically clear that global warming has only increased since the Industrial Revolution. The effects of Anthropocene are undeniable and corporations should take responsibility for the mass damage they commit to the the world, as it too will be them and their children who suffer the consequences. It's the role of the government to look after its people and that can be done in vast amounts by increasing environmental regulations that will force businesses to change their harmful procedures.


You only have to look at frequent weather occurrences in this country to see that global warming is very real.


That the affects of global warming have been accelerated so much since the introduction of energy production which release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that there is scientifically too much evidence to present that it is natural


The evidence points categorically to the sharp increase in global warming since industrialisation. Countries that emit more fossil fuels demonstrably have a greater impact on the environment, both in air pollution and the creation of greenhouse gases. Global warming itself can occur naturally; however, not to the degree and rate that is happening in the modern era.


The increase in global warming is greatly caused by increasing carbon emmisions in our atmosphere and it is because of businesses that there is this increase


While there are noticeable patterns of global warming and cooling. We as humans are doing more damage by increasing this affect and potentially causing irreversible damage to the planet and atmosphere.


The science and data all show climate change is a result of human causes. You can even notice winters aren't as cold as they used to be 20 years ago. Manmade climate change is a fact, not a belief.


Human actions are exacerbating the effects of global warming, Eg deforestation, non renewable energy


Global warming is a natural response to the increase in co2 caused by human activity. It constitutes ecology stress and cannot be classed as a natural occurrence’.


The climate has become more volatile even in my lifetime - with more extreme weather year on year in almost every country of the world


If you look past the propaganda and brainwashing and look at real science (not science paid for by the powers above for their benefit), carbon dating shows that the earth's environment has changed on its own for as long as its existed, the earth used to be hotter than it is today, and have significantly more CO2 than it does today.


Whilst global warming has happened before humans, it is currently being intensified by the contribution of fossil fuels and therefore is a major concern.


look at evidence from how global warming has increased from human activity such as car usage and mass production

 @9LNDBTGLiberal Democratdisagreed…2mos2MO

There is evidence implying that global warming is caused by the release of green House gas emissions, we should be reducing carbon emissions in all sectors


Global warming has sky rocketed since the use of nuclear energy and it is evident through the weather and how temperatures are rising


Species are going extinct at an alarming rate, more co2 has been pumped into the atmosphere than ever before and during more natural warming events, the planet has warmed over millions of years not a few hundred.


Whilst it is true that the earth's temperature changes naturally over time, the rate at which global temperatures are changing today is far above what we could consider natural, and have increased in correlation with the industrial revolution and subsequent heavy use of fossil fuels.


Global Warming and cooling is indeed a natural occurrence. However, the rate at which our global average temperature has been warming is outside of the trend for natural warming and has been exacerbated by Humans.


Global warming has grossly accelerated since the Industrial Revolution; if it was natural, why would it increase?


The clock is ticking on global warming and we are seeing the effects as a direct result of capitalism and overproduction of plastics and burning fossil fuels.


I think it is partly because of natural reasons but mostly man-made reasons like burning fossil fuels, natural gas too and petrol and desal cars.


our world is just in a fluctuation between certain temperatures as ice levels have been proven to suggest a mini ice age a couple of thousand years ago.


Quite frankly we are running out of time with global warming. It's time to wake up and look at the scientific facts and not put our heads in the sand.


The idea that global warming is a natural occurrence is ignoring 60+ years of academic research that suggests otherwise.

 @9GJ5HP2Liberal Democratdisagreed…7mos7MO

While global warming can be a natural occurrence, global warming would not be going so fast if it was just natural. Our carbon emissions are through the roof and are blocking heat from the sun from escaping the earth. Tell me, why would there be the warmest summer we’ve ever experienced last year?


The statistics from previous years clearly show that it is human activity causing global warming and the consequence of it


There is too much proof and evidence that we have created too much carbon via man made elements that have cause a huge increase in the climate & global warming. Had we created these with more consideration overtime rather than mass creation, we may have been able to slow the increase and offset earlier & more easily!!


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