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Outdated is undeniable. Excess wealth is undeniable. Influence within society and the political system with royal aides in both houses of Parliament is undeniable. Tourists would still visit palaces and castles whether the royals are there or not as they do elsewhere....Undeniable.


The money spent on every pathetic royal event os actually sickening, considering the state of the NHS, amongst other things


£28 million spent on a jubilee, get real, help the NHS they're leaving people to die because they can't afford resources.

 @9H335DZSinn Féinagreed…7mos7MO

I don’t have data or statistics, but why in 2023 should the UK allow a group of people to leech off a country for their entire lives. Look at the history of the family, the clear racism that still exists there (look at how they reacted to Megan joining the family). They clearly don’t represent the multicultural society the UK is now


Because it is the 21st century we do not require a monarchy nor should we have one, the idea of this is totally absurd and reflects the ridiculous bootlicking society and dream world that the British public live in, we as tax payers literally pay for them to live in mansions, be driven around in cars and ridiculous carriages, have parades and fancy clothes as well as waiters while there are children going hungry, not getting the best education and people sleeping rough on the streets, the elderly are freezing within the winter and food banks are at an all time high along with people not being able to pay their bills, and these silver spoon born Charlatans are allowed to remain


British monarchy = British empire = imperialism = neocolonialism = racist and harmful undertones for people and planet (domestic and international)

 @9NG74DDLabouragreed…1 day1D

Chester Zoo is a more popular tourist destination than Windsor Castle or Buckingham Palace:

According to figures from the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions and the royal household’s own figures for their residences, Buckingham Palace is at best the 69th most popular attraction in the UK, Windsor Castle does better but is still only at number 18, behind Chester Zoo, Somerset House, Edinburgh Castle and the Botanic Gardens in Kew.

 @9NF4THCGreenagreed…2 days2D

Already said it. Look at the money they cost, compared to ordinary people especially immigrants and the abuse they get.

 @9NDQL87Greenagreed…2 days2D

The list of most popular tourist destinations in the UK features relatively few royal attractions. 15m people visit the Palace of Versailles per year. 50k visit Buckingham Palace.

 @9N8L6SGagreed…5 days5D

We could use the money that they receive from the british taxpayer for more services that are needed by low socio-economic groups.


Meghan told Winfrey that in the months leading up to Archie's birth, members of the royal family had expressed "concerns and conversations about how dark his skin might be when he is born." She did not reveal names during the interview, and the unknown individuals were dubbed "the royal racists" in the British press


According to the most recent financial accounts, the Royal Family costs approximately 107.5 million pounds a year, with that figure increasing by almost 20 million pounds between 2017/18 and 2018/19.


They take the tax payer money. They're only there because of their blood. They do nothing to help the people of their country. They're an institutionally racist and sexist institution.


The British monarchy and the tourism gained from it are not one and the same, as people would still visit to the sites they come to see now, without having to have a "king" we pledge loyalty too


The Royals are primarily "celebrities" now and much of their "work" in terms of charity and influence could be done just as effectively by actual celebrities who people would relate to (e.g. yes, Charles & Catherine's cancer diagnoses have been a shock for people and so they've able to influence higher uptake of testing etc, but it was the same with Jade Goody. Being Royal isn't inherent to this; being human and relatable is.) Several Royals have behaved appallingly & with enormous entitlement (Andrew, Harry) and even QEII and the rest were siphoning…  Read more


The money and property they own could be used for the greater good, and why should one family be superior to any other?


Palace of Versailles - 15 million visitors each year
Buckingham Palace - 50,000, Windsor Castle – 1.5 million, Tower of London – 2 million


Abolish the monarchy to show the world that everyone is aware of their historical crimes and we no longer stand for it. Everyone is equal. A family who steals from other countries should be sent to prison.


One of the jewels of the Crown Jewels doesn't even belong to England, they were stolen from India who have been demanding for it back


The money spent on the monarchy is ridiculous. They all live in luxury and therefore the money should be focused on things like education and healthcare


British monarchy is a Dickensian institution that is only useful for tourism. Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland should not have to bow down to the English monarchy. We had our own royal families, but were removed and butchered. Monarchy has no place in 2023 in any nation around the world.


They take our tax money and give nothing in return, they're parasites and pedophiles who deserve french monarchy treatment


British taxpayers are going to pay £100 million for the coronation of King Charles. Surely this money could be spent on the homeless and those in poverty?


£86.2 million was given to the royal family between 2022-2023. This is their 'wage' and doesn't include the money spent on their security, upkeep of their properties etc. Disgusting.


Last year, the platinum jubilee costed £29.6 Million. This is an insane amount of money for a celebration of some old woman, all coming out of taxes.


There are centuries of additional contextual baggage as well, and the tourism claim is highly debated regardless. There is no ethical justification to give even theoretical power and enormous wealth through blood alone, same as the House of Lords.

 @9NBHQCCagreed…4 days4D,60%20billion%20U.S.%20dollars%2C%20respectively.

 @9N566W7agreed…7 days7D

“The official expenditure by the monarchy was £107.5 million – a rise of five per cent from £102.4 million in 2021-2022.”


They are part of a complex and historical imperfect democratic system which helps to keep powers in check


It is the law that 40% of inherited money must go to the royal family, 45% of UK citizens (according to The Guardian) believe it should either be abolished or isn't (as) important anymore


I don’t like them as there acting better than other people because of their ancestors accomplishments


The Monarchy/Royal Family is a very expensive soap opera,.which cannot be justified in the 21st Century.


Again, there are several other things which positively influence tourism in Britain plus there has been countless decades of scandals and evidence of said scandals which show that a monarchy is not needed, or wanted.


Even if you believe that some people are born better than others, do you truly believe it to the extent that they should rule over others. If so then I can't help you.


Just the coronation price and revamp of buckingham palace should sway people, especially in a cost of living crisis

 @9FJNTZCAnimal Welfareagreed…8mos8MO

The monarch is immune from dozens of laws: King Charles will be exempt from having to comply with various workers’ rights, health and safety, and pensions legislation, while the police are effectively barred from entering his private estate to investigate crimes without the crown’s permission. Shockingly, royal household employees are unable to raise sexual and racial discrimination complaints. He also paid no inheritance tax on his mother's vast holdings.


It could seem to some people that the monarchy is expensive and does not serve a significant purpose in modern society.


A elected head of state would only represent the people who voted for it, as were the monarchy is politically unbiased and represents all Britains.

 @9NCGR6RGreenagreed…3 days3D

No control over the views, behaviour or suitability of members of the royal family. It's anachronistic and goes against all sense of fairness and equality

 @9N77L2Tagreed…6 days6D

If you’re having this debate you should know all the facts not just the ones that work in your favour


Nobody thinks about the UK monarchy when they visit and since they are rarely ever seen its ridiculous to say tourism is to do with the royals themselves rather than the buildings around them, like parliament. I would go as far to say that the only important people in tourism are the royal guards because those are the people you see photos and videos of online most frequently


They represent and continue to uphold colonialism and classism within this country if they were abolished we could truly begin to deconstruct society and rebuild it from grassroots. Plus the amount of money we could then reinvest in other areas would be astronomical!


There’s no positive reason to have them. I cant be convinced that a family who are just paraded around every now and then in stolen goods actually add value to the country


the monarchy is important for many britons and a compromise must be achieved on the subject, no tax money to the monarchy and the monarchy should work on making amends about its connection to its colonial past


The amount of wealth to the country that the Monarchy brings in is greater than their cost so they provide a net positive in the country.


The income brought in by the tourism that results from the worldwide popularity the royal family outweighs the amount of tax payer money that supports them. Furthermore, the amount of money and support the royal family returns to the population via charitable and social foundations would be lost if they were abolished as their wealth and privately owned properties and assets would simply be absorbed into the private ownership of the 1%, thus the benefits and returns of said charitable foundations lost

 @9F7PMPMfrom Izmir disagreed…9mos9MO

The British monarchy is the very fabric of our nation. We shouldn't throw away our culture and traditions for the sake of a more 'modern' system. It costs far less than most republics in the world and the King and the late Queen had approval ratings almost higher than all presidents in the world which suggests they are better at unifying a country.


The country would be more serious and modern on the world stage. This would also be a good way to rebuild some of the relationships with EU countries that were tarnished by Brexit.


Noone is better than anyone else by birth rate. This is morally wrong, bankrupt and ancient. The monarchy do not care about you!


The monarchy in the United Kingdom embodies the core traditions and heritage of the nation. They have a certain mystique and prestige which boosts Britains global image aswell as tourism. They are mostly funded through the crown estate which counters the arguament that they are a financial drain. The monarchy has a certain charm that a republic could never have and also provides more stability than a biased elected president ever could due to how entrenched and established it is. The commonwealth link would also suffer were the monarchy to be abolished.


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