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32 Replies


Decrease and stop giving India most of it; it's a BRICS nation for god's sake!

 @5BSKZTWLiberal Democratfrom Wigan answered…3yrs3Y

Increase for very poor countries including those poor countries suffering natural disasters. Monitor situations carefully-e.g., why give to India which, overall, is rich enough to have advanced technological projects in some areas?


We should not be giving aid to countries like India and China, who are already superpowers with space programs.


Stop it all together for countries with a nuclear & or space program, & those that harbor & or promote terrorism.


Aid should be humanitarian in nature and in the form of goods delivered direct to those who need it, not cash to corrupt governments and agencies who redirect it for their own purposes.


Stick with the current amount of spending but decrease or stop the amount for countries with human rights violations.


Increase, but also reform the system so that it actually gets to those in need and not into the bank accounts of corrupt governments.


Increase, but the money should be spent aiding the public in foreign countries as opposed to the military, and I do also believe that the government should also take firmer stances on human rights violations.


We should use aid to get countries on side and influence their policies, for example cut aid to Uganda until they repeal the death penalty for gay people



Unless you're getting something in return too many nations take advantage of aid and it's now become a way to launder money

gov takes out fed loan gives money to other nation who gives it back to shell companies owned by the very gov that took the loan out.

who fits the tab?


Decrease, and stop giving aid to countries that spend their own money on frivolous endeavours, such as space programs.


Although we should priorities our national spending and economic climate, we should give foreign aid based on a case-by-case basis


Increase the spending but actually make sure it is helping that country be rebuilt to reduce immigration here


Decrease and only give to countries that need it. ie not india that sent a rocket to the moon, when can afford to do that ourselves.


Decrease, unless we are directly involved. And deny aid to countries that violate human rights or promote terrorism


Decrease drastically until we have reduced and improved our National budget deficit and once that is complete do not provide aid to countries which promote or facilitate terrorism


Has there been any analysis into what would happen if we stopped, or if all the more advanced countries stopped collectively? And everyone look after their own. With emergency aid due to natural disaster like floods, earthquakes tsunami, fires, still being supported


Increase, but only when the cost of living crisis has been neutralised. Additionally, the UK shouldn’t provide any supplies to countries openly against British Values except for humanitarian efforts/civilian aid


Maintain current levels until we drastically reduce our deficit, but deliver aid directly wherever there is any risk of funds being used for other things.

 @9JFWL2GPlaid Cymruanswered…3mos3MO

Any change to foreign aid should be on redistribution of the wealth this country stole within colonialism


Give what is needed directly to the organisations that are in need. Human rights violations are government driven, not people driven.


Neither increase nor decrease however there should not be funds sent to countries that have human rights violations.


Increase for countries going through humanitarian crises and decrease for foreign military spending.


I am satisfied with the current amount of spending, however funds should only be directed to countries with legitimate need


Decrease and redistribute the funds into our own social programs to ensure the welfare of our own people.


Yes, if the aid goes directly to the people not the governments, with some nations this is difficult to do.


Increase, for actual worthwhile causes, such as support for Palestine and within scope of national budgets where money could actually go to domestic causes.


Not exactly sure on the full extent of positive and negative but to me it seems the UK has a lot of issues that need fixing itself, the severity being in my opinion quite high


I do think the rich should give more money, but it should be their responsibility, not the government's. Give what you can, not what is required.


Stop aid to China & India - & comparable places. Stop forcing recipients to spend it on our products, That's not aid, it's a subsidy to our industries.

 @WyattpoliticsConservative answered…6mos6MO

Maintain current level, use the budget to support illegal migrants and tailor the aid to serve UK National interests.


Maintain the current level but reduce or deny aid to countries where terrorism is promoted or can afford a space programme


Increase, but we should allocate more funding for countries that have no human rights violations and not deny, but place sanctions on officials in countries that harbour or promote terrorism.


Decrease to 0.5 of GDP and deny aid to countries that promote terrorism or are non democratically governed like Afghanistan a state run by militant jihads


Decrease many countries like India ,who we spend taxpayer money on, divert our aid funding into sending rockets into space


Decrease, and refocus remaining foreign aid to projects with better return on investment


Decrease foreign aid is a waste of money especially to autocratic regimes


Decrease and don’t give to countries that have their own space program


Support private foreign aid initiatives that go directly to helping people and promoting democratic and liberal values, rather than giving money to corrupt, authoritarian and self serving regimes.


Increase but make sure not to corrupt governments and make sure it’s on the ground


Keep same amount, but only for countries in NATO or other close allies, countries in British Commonwealth, and also in cases where it is of benefit to the UK to help or in events of natural disaster. We should not give aid to countries that harbor terrorists in any event.


The amount is about the spending in new Zealand is it's decreased and use offen and big deals is the value for budget




Keep it at it’s current rate, and not give any aid to governments with human rights violations.


Spending should be reduced temporarily to help the NHS and cost of living crisis


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