Try the political quiz

22 Replies


Abortion is not a choice, where it is necessary for a woman's health to abort a fetus then that has to be legal, if possible the fetus should be transferred to an artificial incubator.



I don't see where we would get the funds to do this. Unless you mean we should ban it for most, but only allow it if the woman's life is in danger, and then transfer the fetus, if so I agree.


Pro-choice but a ban after 4 months, and providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions.


Pro-choice in all scenarios however increased education and free contraceptives will naturally reduce the amount of excess abortions required


Pro-choice, but if the female has been a victim of rape, then abortion should be the only option


Pro-Choice, but third trimester terminations should need exceptional medical grounds.


Pro-choice. More money should be invested into education, keeping young women sage, social services and birth control.


Pro-choice because it is the women’s body so it’s their choice in what to do and nobody else’s


Pro-life, but provide sex education, and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions.


Pro-choice but only during the 1st trimester or if the baby is developed via rape, incest or is a threat to the mother’s life.


Pro-choice, I don't agree but the government has no right to ban it however providing more birth control, sex education and more social services will help reduce the number of abortions


Pro-life, and I categorically oppose abortion in every single case, including rape and incest. No exceptions.


Pro-choice, but in moderation - in cases of rape, incest or a danger to the mother or child is fair but if a woman has multiple abortions or uses abortions as a form of birth control/contraception, that shouldn’t be allowed


Pro-choice, but not in repeated circumstances. Restrict to two incidents. Not to be used as a convenience.


Pro life. But allow for cases of rape and danger to the mothers life/health and the life/health of the child within the first four months. Only allow in case of danger to mothers life after four months.


Pro-choice, I would not like to engage in it myself, though I think the option should be there for others. More in-depth sex education regarding birth control should be made availble to all genders.


Anti-abortion. Do not call it pro choice or pro life. I oppose ABORTION. I am anti abortion. I am also pro choice: choose in the bedroom, choose between 20 types of contraception.


Pro life, but from the view abortion needs to be legal to reduce further mental and physical trauma to the mother

 @9J3L3H2Conservative answered…3mos3MO

Pro choice, but it can only be done by agencies that adhere to strict regulations and have special licenses. It should also be offered by the NHS


Pro choice but in the case of a fertility crisis pro life apart from in the case of rape, incest or danger to mother or child


Pro-life, including for victims of rape and those who engage in incest; but allow where there is danger to the health of the mother. We should greatly improve children’s social services and also improve the sex education curriculum.


Pro-choice. A woman should have the right to make the decision for themselves. Also we should provide better sex education and access to sexual health and social services.


Pro-choice, those who make the decision need to live the social consequence but also cases of rape and incest take too long for a decision to be made


This is not a simple pro life or pro-choice issue. I support an abortion ban after the first three months when the rights of the unborn child should attract legal protection. Abortion decisions should never be taken lightly. Providing birth control, sex education, and more social services will also help reduce the number of abortions


It is a woman's choice. Only her opinion and her judgement matters. No one has the right to agree or disagree or judge her decision.


Pro-life in all cases, but allow doctors to decide to save the mother rather than the child in life-threatening cases, and work with charities to support single mothers or adoption of unwanted children.


Pro-Choice, and abortion laws should be the same regardless of whether the child has Down’s Syndrome


Pro-life, but allow in cases of rape, incest, within the first three months or a danger to the mother or child


Pro - Choice. The government doesn't have the right to ban people's freedom of choice, and people have the right to their own beliefs. However it should be banned after 3 months, unless there are unforeseen circumstances which threaten the quality of life of the mother of child. Instead we should provide sex education and birth control too prevent abortions.


I think people should be better educated in sexual matters and take such relations more seriously, rather than believing they may be frivolous with their bodies and abort children later. I am pro-choice strictly on medical grounds. I support abortion of children with genetic defects which would cause harm to the child.


Pro choice but their should be a time limit except cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother in which there should be no time limit

 @9GH9YLFfrom Pennsylvania answered…6mos6MO

Pro-choice, but aborting a child solely because that child is disabled should not be allowed. Disabled people deserve to live, abled people should not be making that decision for them. Especially since their decision is inherently ableist.


Pro-choice, but allow only allow tax-covered healthcare to pay for cases of rape, incest, low income, or danger to mother of child. All else should be paid by the mother herself if she's deemed fit to raise the child.


Pro-choice, but both parents should be involved in that choice unless one of those parents raped or sexually assaulted the other. There should also be better birth control, sex education and social services provided by the government to reduce the number of abortions necessary.


Pro-choice, with a mandatory pre-op appointment with an advisory councillor to discuss the situation and provide support where needed.


Pro-choice but ban after the first 20 weeks. and providing birth control and sex education will help reduce the number of abortions

 @9F5XTD7Conservative answered…8mos8MO

Pro-Life Unless you are under 18 and/or got pregnant from Rape. Or if the child would have little to no quality of life.


Pro-choice up to the point of the Viability Standard. Once the standard has been reached and exceeded, then abortion must be prohibited.


No abortion after 24 weeks unless there are special circumstances where the mother may abort the fetus after 24 weeks.


Pro-choice, but also allow the father to opt out of providing financial support if the mother chooses to proceed with pregnancy if he doesn't want to


Pro-choice, but ban after first six months and allow in exceptions afterwards in cases of rape and risk to mothers and child’s life


Pro-Choice and ban after 6 months, but allow in cases of rape , incest, or danger to the mother or child.


Pro-choice, and the father should also have the ability to formerly object to abortion/keeping the child.


I am pro-reproductive justice. Not all people have the same experiences in terms of reproductive rights. Abortion should be an available and affordable option.


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