Yes, but reduce tax evasion by landlords
No, buy to let mortgages lead to inflated housing prices

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Yes but limit to one property only and full disclosure of tax on all rental income. Failure to show records should result in tax evasion charges.

 @9LHPW9Banswered…4 days4D

Yes, but I only on a capital repayment basis as interest-only buy-to-let mortgages give landlords significantly greater purchasing power than owner-occupiers.


No. I think whoever lives in a property should own it. (Exception should be made for council-managed housing for those with disabilities/retirees. And short-term holiday rentals which should be capped based on need and demand of the area.) All residents should undergo homeowner maintence training before owning a property, and given contact details for certified handymen.


yes but there should be a limit on how many depending on location and size