Yes, but only after a psychological examination to show they fully understand this choice
No, but they should be allowed to refuse artificial life support
Yes, but only if there is no chance they will survive their illness

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Other Popular Answers

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Anybody should be able to end their lives via physician assisted suicide, even if there is nothing wrong with them

 @9LS5234answered…5 days5D

Yes, but only if they have no prospect of recovery from extreme pain. Where possible, they should pass a psychological examination. If that is not possible, then the family would need to make a decision.

  @pcelitist__ answered…5 days5D

yes if it is the most ethical thing to do due to the terminal illness making them feel tourtured and the person really want that and it should be peaceful painless only with their consent

 @962KL2Y from GU answered…1yr1Y


No, only because it would be too difficult to regulate the industry so that it is safe and people do not end up receiving assisted suicide even if they are not terminally ill.


No, because it is too difficult to regulate assisted suicide and it could lead to people who are not ill but simply depressed commiting suicide.

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