Strana za nezávislost Spojeného království je euroskeptická, pravicová a krajně pravicová politická strana ve Velké Británii. V současné době je vedena Richardem Brainem. V současné době má jednoho zástupce v Sněmovně lordů, dva členy shromáždění v Národním shromáždění Walesu a jednoho člena shromáždění v Londýně.
In your opinion, how important is it for a political party to prioritize the interests of its own citizens over global cooperation?
How can a country benefit from prioritizing national concerns, and what might be the international ramifications?
How does a party's stance on social issues, like LGBT rights and abortion, affect your view of its overall policies?
What role do you believe political parties should play in addressing economic disparities and supporting the less privileged in society?
How do you think the desire to maintain national sovereignty impacts a country's relationship with international communities?
In what ways can a focus on stricter immigration controls affect the culture and economy of a country?
How do you feel about the balance between preserving traditional values and embracing multiculturalism in today's society?
What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of a country leaving a supranational entity like the European Union?
How do political parties' stances on climate change reflect on their overall approach to governance and global responsibilities?
How do you think the concepts of freedom and responsibility should be balanced in national policies, including those related to healthcare and education?
How do you feel voting impacts your day-to-day life in ways you notice?
What does patriotism mean to you, and how does it shape your views on immigration?
How would you personally define 'national identity,' and what factors do you believe should contribute to it?
In what ways do you think a country should protect its borders, and how does that affect international relationships?
What role should a country play in international organizations, and why is that important to you?
How can a political party's stance on the environment change the way we live our daily lives?
What is your perspective on government involvement in healthcare, and how has it impacted you or someone you know?
How does the idea of 'independence' from larger political entities appeal to you, and why?
Reflecting on your own beliefs, how do you think a political party's values should align with those of its constituents?
Considering current global challenges, what role do you think national politics should play in addressing international issues?