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 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…1 Woche1W

Sechs Polizisten tot, als bewaffnete Männer das Feuer auf eine Synagoge und orthodoxe Kirchen im Nordkaukasus Russlands eröffnen, sagen Beamte.…

In short: Gunmen in... officers were killed in "terrorist" attacks. The interior ministry, quoted by Russian news agencies, said four gunmen had been shot dead as the incidents unfolded. A local official said another had been killed during a shootout...

 @ISIDEWITHverlinkt…1 Woche1W

Russland Terroranschlag: Moment, in dem Synagoge und Kirche in Flammen aufgehen, während die Polizei die Stadt abriegelt…

Two gunmen opened fire on Sunday at churches and a synagogue in Dagestan. At least six officers and a priest were killed as the holy buildings went up in flames.