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People have the right to pursue the life that they want, not to go off and get shot; fill their head with useless knowledge\discipline and what if someone was disabled and they didn't know it yet?


Mandatory military service during WW1 and WW2 lead to humiliation of people who couldn’t go for medical reasons and left thousands which shell shock and other lifeline complications. They were fully unaware of this and not in full knowledge of the danger that they were in by going to war.


Use of cigarettes and alcohol consumption after service is proven more likely as well as mental health issues, the NHS is already struggling and at full capacity and this would enhance the stress on our health service that is already on it's knees.


Do you wish Britain to fall to a foreign power or do you wish to fight on as Lord Nelson and Churchill did,


Why should our young people be forced into a life or death situation against their will?


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