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It's a woman's decision whether to have an abortion or not and I do not believe life begins at contraception


The unborn child is an innocent bystander and should not be given the death sentence for the crime of the parent(s)


Pregnancy rights should always prioritise the woman. She is not an incubator for someone who is unable to have their own children. She is a person who should be allowed to make her own decisions. Pro-lifers who think a woman who has been raped should be forced to carry a pregnancy to term are NOT pro-life because what sort of life are you condemning this women to.


this could cause the child to be born into hostile environments or to a mother who is unable to take care of them leading to an adult who may be worse off and this should be prevented


If a women is raped they should be allowed an abortion. The child could be a daily reminder of the traumatic event which they have been through. This could lead to the child not being treated as well


it’s not their fault, everyone should be able to make decisions about their own bodies - this should not be controlled


The trauma of rape and then having to birth a child from that trauma can have lasting damage to a person. This is not for the government to enforce as it’s basically enforcing them to live a life faced with a walking talking trigger for their attack. What about the child growing up and discovering where they came from.
There are many reason why a person May chose to abrupt a pregnancy ans in many situation that person Just isn’t mentally or financial at capable of raising a child. Should we enforce poverty and potential mental damage on a child for the sake od it?


Every woman should have control over their own bodies, no law or person should be able to make life changing decisions about another persons life and body, regardless of the circumstances. What difference does it make to you if another person chooses this option? It's none of your business and the mental and physical impact it has on a person that has already suffered enough is an inhumane pain to inflict.


‘Pro life’ prioritises an unborn child over the life of the person carrying that child. Women have a human right to choose what they do to their bodies.


Women should have control under their own bodies specially when not having the option to not have the baby will change completely the woman’s life.


It is okay to be pro life, but to force that decision unto another person is sick, selfish and ignorant. You are not pro life in this situation. You wish only to control women’s bodies. You are not pro life, for you are not caring about a life you are prioritising the existence of a fetal being instead of a mother whose health and well-being must come first and foremost. If a mother is unhealthy, then the child will be born unhealthy, if it survives. If the mother is in a financially unstable situation then the child will suffer in its upbringing, lacking what it needs to live comfortab…  Read more


It’s a persons choice whether or not they get an abortion. If you aren’t the mother carrying the fetus, it is NONE of your business.


Imagine the type of people who would choose to have an abortion. They are normally young or poor and either leads to a bad quality of life for the child and undue stress and responsibilities on the mother and father.


Try watching a video of an abortion when a babies limbs are dissected and its body torn to pieces and then tell me that this is in some way positive. I often use a burning building analogy. If you had to run in to a burning building to save the life of a young women or a baby which would you chose? But in reality, the women does not need to die, she could put the baby up for adoption there are many citizens who cannot have children who are desperate to adopt.


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