Try the political quiz

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 @9G32F9Y disagreed…6mos6MO

A politician should be a noble leader, having demonstrated the human qualities that have adhered to the law of the land, and therefore should have a clean record from crime.


A politician should have the nations best interests at heart and have life experiences including the likes of being reformed. Having a criminal record should not automatically mean that someone should not be allowed into the role unless it is a serious crime e.g violence


No, every politician found guilty of committing any crime should be putted under evaluation by an unbiased team not related with the government to evaluate his position and if he’s still fit to be an active politician


Politicians should be doing their best to fulfill what the public wants without compromising on key promises


Politicians are elected as representatives of the public. If they have knowingly committed a crime they are showing a lack of respect for society and therefore not fit to represent.


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