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 @9LQHZNQ disagreed…3 days3D

Pan-european values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law are increasingly being challenged by authoritarian regimes across the world - China, Russia, India , Iran, Turkey etc. The Trump presidency has shown that we cannot rely on the US for support. We need a strong EU with the UK within it to provide the long term stability and security we need to stand up to these other great powers. Britain alone cannot stand the tide and a fragmented EU is too weak to do what is needed to face the global threats of climate change, the migrant crisis, an aggressive Russia and a new cold war with China.


The current format of European Union is not working and I cannot see any country giving up its own culture and idnetity to become a vanilla blob on the map

 @9H29Y4Xfrom Pennsylvania disagreed…5mos5MO

The United States of Europe would be able to provide protection to all European peoples from outside sources.

 @9GZDDP5Liberal Democratdisagreed…5mos5MO

The positions of the EU are currently outweighed globally by the USA and China. A future EU superpower, led by the UK, France and Germany, would be a colossal financial, political, military and nuclear influence for good on the world stage. It will form eventually - the only question is whether the UK is involved or not, and whether we're relevant in the future or not. Nobody cares what small countries think; New Zealand isn't solving anything. Let's have a seat at the table as a major power in a hundred years' time.


Large governments cost lots with little return to the public. Small governments the size of European countries with their best interests are better for all.


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