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 @9HQXBL9 disagreed…4mos4MO

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A lot of the people working minimum wage jobs are doing it because it is all they can do to earn themselves some money. Sure, they can be used to develop experience, but what about adults who work these jobs? People with more life experience than teenagers and young adults doing work whilst going to college or university. Increasing the minimum wage, even a bump of £2/hr, would benefit those working for families just that little bit more.


Yes, I am 100% agreeing with the paragraph. Increasing the minimum wage can act as an incentive for people to work.


The minimum wage should be increased while also introducing a system of UBI to guarantee that people are able to afford food, water, housing and other basic necessities.

 @9HRDCLV disagreed…4mos4MO

While some people this may be relevant most people in relative poverty are underemployed so we should raise the minimum wage so we can provide them a basic level of income


The wage offered by a job is not necessarily reflective of the importance of that job to society. For example, care workers are incredibly important but often work on minimum wage. And they of course should be paid more & should be able to support their family on their income

 @9HQ6WLYLiberal Democratdisagreed…4mos4MO

People don’t always have a choice but to take low income jobs. So you can’t guarantee that these roles are taken by people that they were originally intended for.


Rubbish, all family situations are different. A minimum wage job may be the only job viable to that person for different reasons and so they should be able to support their family by working and contributing to a community.


most people on minimum wage are students who are relying on the money to support them through college and university


That may be the intention but it is not the reality. There are many people out there who support others, whether it be a spouse, sick relatives or multiple children. Many of these people and more are also trapped in cycles of not being able to get work because they don't have the necessary skills, but need to support others and therefore rely on unsafe work to get by. Any employment should contribute to an individual's development and pay them enough to not only survive, but live.


AmMininum wage only for 20 months then appropriate wage Should Be enforced. It provides people with employment should not be used after 20month As Unskilled Labourer Will Always be caught in Povety trap .twenty month is quite sufficient or there's no incentive and Employer "must" keep Employees on proper wage after 20 months to stop unscrupulous Employers.


Some minimum wage jobs are the type of jobs people are happy in. Sometimes they aren't educated enough for anything more. Minimum wage should be enough to live on


Most minimum wage jobs are jobs that many people don't want to do, still very hard hardworking so should be paid accordingly


I disagree with this statement as minimum wage jobs should ensure that the people receiving them have enough money to provide and care for their family no matter what their background is.

 @9J4LCV3 from Oregon disagreed…3mos3MO

Some people who are trying to turn their lifes around and attend Uni (single mums) have to work in a minimum wage job in order to survive.


Minimum wage employees don’t always have a choice and should not be held back from having a family due to their ability to gain high paid work.


All families are in different financial situations. Some may rely on said wages to support their families.


Immigrants who are trying to work and add to the uk economics are likely to start out on low paid jobs


Where unemployment is high, people who have to work shouldn’t be compromised by poor pay for a fair days work. Too many organisations take advantage of their staff, rewarding senior managers off the backs of the hard work undertaken by the junior workers.
Fair days pay for a fair days work, no excuses. Care workers are a prime example, and often they are supporting a family on the pittance described as a minimum wage.


Most minimum wage jobs are jobs that many people don't want to do, still very hard hardworking so should be paid accordingly


If you are working a minimum wage job you should not have a family and household to support, that is selfish and short sighted


People need money to support their family’s you they might be working minimum wage and should receive money


The amount of people I know/seen who are demotivated by the wages makes for a downbeat/negative workplace.


Most minimum wage jobs aren't training positions that will lead to a better position, they are however usually the bedrock of a company's operations and profit strategy. A low paid training position should be recognised as such from the start with agreed expectations and benefits such as an apprenticeship.


Most minimum wage jobs are jobs that many people don't want to do, still very hard hardworking so should be paid accordingly

 @9H3ZMJ7Plaid Cymrudisagreed…5mos5MO

Most minimum wage jobs are jobs that many people don't want to do, still very hard hardworking so should be paid accordingly


most minimum wage jobs don't even pay a decent amount to be able to live on your own and with inflation this issue is just getting worse and most people cant afford to go to university to get higher paying jobs.


Family situations are all different. Someone who has been working a minimum wage job could then be put in a position where they have no choice but to provide for a family


although some jobs are meant to develop experience, the wages can be used in family positions, for example, if you want to improve your quality of life, then it is acceptable to use your wage in family.


Minimum wage jobs are often difficult jobs that require a lot of work and effort, and should be rewarded as such. I don’t want to clean a toilet, so pay the person who does well.


Although that is true for a lot of people, not everyone gets accepted by a high paying job, so minimum wage is all they have


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