Try the political quiz

4 Replies


As a last resort in the face of global crisis such as a multi year winter



Yes, but we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead. Offer light Tax incentives for companies who move towards sustainable energy. Do not fall for large oil and gas companies


Developed countries should prioritise renewable sources as opposed to carbon emitting sources such as fossil fuels. Poorer nations however may depend on these sources for their economic sustainability so should not be restricted in using them.



I do support it but I'm worried for the people who work in the oil industry.


No. A bi product of fracking is the release of methane gas into the atmosphere. Methane is 10 times more harmful than CO2


Increase oversight at the moment while actually tying to find alternatives.


I do not understand enough on this issue to make an informed decision.


No, we should pursue more sustainable energy resources instead and more research is needed to measure the long term effects of fracking


it should be phased out to make way for a more sustainable energy source.


Yes, but only to sustain the UK until we can be more dependent on renewables


No, but it is vital to the economies of many countries; so it should be gradually phased out in favour of more sustainable energy sources


Yes, but only until we can fully transition to alternative energy resources.


Yes but only if people nearby agree and it isn’t too close to them.


Fracking should be used as a last resort when there are better alternatives, however it may still be necessary in certain circumstances as people still need to be supplied with power


Yes, but only while we pursue more sustainable energy and not in heavily populated areas




Yes but these companies should be forced to invest in greener alternatives.


Yes but phase it out VERY quickly as we switch to renewables- if we use it in the meantime we can start calling out the Saudis.


No, I would instead want to build a biogas purification plant in one of the smaller cities in the UK.


Yes, but only by private business. Get the government out of the energy industry.


no but at the current situation it needs to be done until we can get the power from somewhere else


Yes, for other countries. Play the long game and think 1000 years ahead: let's use up the rest of the world's natural resources up first.



Yes, but only as a temporary measure before moving to renewable energy


No, but it is necessary in the meantime whilst we develop better alternatives.


I would instruct a mass research project to be undertaken which is able to find the long term effects of fracking, whilst also finding a solution where drinking water sources don't become contaminated using this method. If I wanted to keep the fracking method, I'd only do so until we can come up with a more energy efficient and healthy solution, which would be a nationalised company, where all profits would be given back to the government to reinvest in future projects.


Not unless it's far away from the general population, e.g. in certain areas of Scotland or the Shetlands


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