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The start up should also be covered by the government given that an adequate plan showing the benefits to the children and the security of resources are presented.


Yes, but they must be subject to the same Ofsted inspections and follow the same curriculum



No, "Free Schools" are mostly used to indoctrinate vulnerable children with unhealthy ideologies and provide poor quality skills for life



No, vouchers should be given to low-income families so that their children can attend private schools. Theoretically, this would eventually improve the average UK grades and quality of education as well as the cost of the program decreasing as more citizens can get higher income jobs which would subsequently lower poverty rates.


No, free schools, academy chains, and religious schools should be abolished


Only if they are subject to national curriculum and safeguarding standards and uk rules


Yes, this could lead to more progression in teaching methods and a better curriculum.


Yes if there is a local need. But checks and balances need to be in place to avoid squandering public funds


yes, so long as they are supported by a corresponding increase in funding for the other schools in their area


Yes but they must pay government tax meet ALL GOVERNMENT STANDARDS and the max they can charge pupils parents to teach the pupils is 900 pound a month


Free schools on their own do not solve the underlying issues that plague schools in the first place, like substandard teaching, lack of materials etc.


Yes, but provided they follow the curriculum required and are inspected by Ofsted


Yes, but only in areas where there is a high demand and where it will benefit kids from poorer families.


Yes, but they should be regulated and checked for quality and content of learning


Yes, but not religious organisations, or organisations with nefarious purposes (like racists, bigots etc.)


No, but public money should be available for furthering education, be that instead of school or alongside it - as an optional alternative or further non-compulsary learning


Yes There are new housing developments going up all over the country, and no new infrastructure; no communal hubs, such as surgeries, shops and schools. If these are not being provided, then residents should be free to make alternative provisions.

 @92S7BHSSinn Féinanswered…2yrs2Y


No, “free schools” are a gateway into school propaganda and for dangerous organisations to spew their hateful views onto children


Only if they can provide better results and happier students than public schools do.


Only if they do not discriminate on entry requirements and are not designed to prevent mixing


It will likely drive up competition and increase standards of education but it can also become too independent and teach wrong, incorrect or misguided things.


Really depends on Who is using the money and are watched to make sure the money is spent on the school, students and teachers. And not pocketed away or stolen.


Yes as long as the government makes sure these schools are of good standards and the teachers are qualified



Yes, if those schools are regulated to existing standards and are non-religious




No, because staff need to have a decent income but it should be easier to get education for poor individuals.


Yes, but not businesses/corporations. Registered charities only. Parents and teachers can work with them to set them up in their communities.


Yes, but only if the proponents pass an exam suggesting how well they know the education system.

 @8XV2466Liberal Democratanswered…2yrs2Y

reform the education instead with the potential money given to these businesses and charities


No but make all schools cooperatives with businesses and families involved


If they get public funds there should be a vigorous vetting process, background checks, ect. as businesses/corps creating schools is a conflict of interest.



yes as long as they don'd divert money from already existing schools.


It's up to the parents of their children on if they'd like to help out, some goes with businesses and charities.


They should have to fund it for a year and if grades are above average then publicly fund it


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