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 @9H5CBYSConservativefrom New Jersey disagreed…5mos5MO

The issue with banning "hate speech" is that it is purely a subjective argument. Hate speech to you might not be hate speech to me. The person who determines what constitutes hate speech can deem nearly anything hateful. This can be weaponized to target certain people and opinions.


Criminalisation of speech doesn't eradicate hatred, it just pushes it underground. Better face up to the truth than be comforted by a lie. It would be lovely if there was no hatred in the UK, but all that hate speech laws do is cover up the symptom, giving the illusion that there is no sectarianism. There is also the issue of who decides what constitutes hate speech. For example, one may argue that simply being critical of a religion may be hate speech. But we should always be permitted to criticise and debate ideas. If an idea can't stand on its own two feet against criticism then…  Read more


Hate speech is a phrase used by the Left to scare people into not speaking up against polices/ideas that they do not like


I wish to hear all speech, regardless of whether it is hateful or not, and then I wish to make up my own mind with all of the information available to me, not just what is deemed acceptable


hate speech should not be allowed in a progressive society because it destroys the peace and harmony in a society


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