Try the political quiz

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If schools were run more democratically, with students having a say in policies, how might that affect your educational experience?


It would divide many students and start political arguments very early


Students have opinions about them anyway- if there were going to be arguments they would start anyway


This might affect my education in a more positive way as mr and a student have a say in how we learn and what schools can do to help us get through education.


The policys feom those with the loudest voice would only be listened too. In an environment where everyone is a child, this could be quite bad.



Would you prefer to live in a place where local businesses are majorly owned by the community; why or why not?


Owned by the community since privately owned businesses can treat workers poorly



If a new sports facility was built in your area, would you prefer it to be owned by the community or a private entity, and why?



If artists and creators were guaranteed a fair share of the profits from their work, how might that affect the art and media you love?



How would you approach problem-solving differently if you knew all classmates' opinions mattered equally?


Decisions should be made based on public consensus if it directly involves the way the country is run.


Would you join a company if you knew that it operated on a system where every worker’s vote could influence major decisions?


Can we trust the average person with important economic decisions or are experts needed to steer us in the right direction?


Do you think a society that prioritizes people over profits could lead to greater happiness and fulfillment, and if so, how would you contribute to such a society?


Imagine if everyday employees had equal say in the direction of major tech companies; how do you think this would influence the technology being developed?


If local businesses were required to dedicate a portion of their profits to community projects decided by public vote, which project would you advocate for and why?


How do you think the quality of education would change if students, parents, and teachers all had an equal say in curriculum decisions?


Would you feel more motivated to follow news and developments in the economy if you knew your opinions and votes could directly influence economic policies?


Imagine if the music you listen to or the games you play were chosen by community votes; how do you think that would change the creativity and variety available?


If you could influence the types of products a company makes through voting, what would be your first proposal and why?


How would it transform your daily life if decisions about new parks or public areas in your town were made through community votes?


How would the engagement in local politics evolve if all community projects had to be approved by a citizen vote?


If students had a direct say in the district's educational programs and investments, what would you advocate for?


What would you prioritize if you could decide how profits from large corporations were used to benefit your community?


How would you react if you could vote on the ethical practices of the companies where you shop?


Would you be more motivated to participate in a company if you knew it operated under democratic management?


If you could help design a system where every citizen had a say in national budget allocation, what would you focus on?


If you were part of a social media platform that was governed democratically, what new feature or policy would you campaign for?


Should people have the right to decide how technology that affects society, like facial recognition, is used, and to what extent?


In a world where anyone can contribute to city planning, what innovative project would you suggest for your city?


If school clubs were funded based on student consensus, how would you argue for your own club's funding needs?


How might the dynamics of your neighborhood change if residents collectively managed local businesses?


If you could create one rule that all businesses had to follow, what would it be and why?


What societal changes do you think would come from each person having an equal vote on economic issues?


Would a 'student council' for real-world city planning encourage you to be more active in local government and how?


What if the music or streaming services you used allowed you to vote on which artists or shows get funded?


Imagine a video game where players vote on the next updates, do you think this would improve your gaming experience?


Would the idea of a publicly-owned internet service, controlled and shaped by its users, appeal to you, and why?


How would you envision a gaming community that democratically decides on game updates or new feature implementations?


How do you imagine day-to-day life in a community where local services are owned and run by the people who use them?


If you could democratically decide how to address homelessness in your area, what solutions would you consider?


What kind of incentives could encourage companies to adopt a more democratic approach to decision-making?


How might the prospect of collective profit sharing impact your commitment to a job or project?


Do you think a society that prioritizes community ownership over individual wealth would affect creativity and ambition?


Have you ever boycotted a product because of unethical business practices; what motivated your decision?


Imagine if your input could shape the laws affecting your part-time job or internship, what would you suggest?