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Yes, but for child sex offences and animal abuse and cruelty and sex offences against animals.


So your basically saying if someone commits a sex offence to an adult such as rape, they shouldn't get the death penalty but to hit an animal they should, are you sane in the head. Please don't run to be an MP



Only if it’s a horrific crime with undeniable evidence AND permission from the criminal for the death penalty as it’s their body


No, I feel that inflicting death on any human is hypocritical as a punishment, saying that nobody can kill as it is a cardinal sin, but then going and killing the person who killed. In my eyes that would mean anybody involved in the decision of the death sentence would also then be described as murderers.


There should be hard labour, work camps prisons not prisons where you watch tv and read books all day.

 @9J3L3H2Conservative commented…3mos3MO

While there is always going to be punishment involved with prison and legal offences, as should be the case, that comes in the form of not being allowed out, seeing your family for a short amount of time, struggling to find employment after release and being told what to do in cramped, uncomfortable conditions. Being in prison under the conditions at the moment is tough, and there should be a greater understanding of this. However, prison should also be about helping the prisoners become better people. While there are some that would have known what they were doing, and will not regret what…  Read more


if the criminal has a multiple life sentence's they should be given the death penalty , if the life sentences are more than 3 they should be killed .



No but, the families should also be punished as well to serve as a deterant and Torture should also be mandated in cases of pedophillia


spending life in prison is a harsher sentence but we need it available for Extreme crimes against the country,

 @9LJ874Tanswered…6 days6D

I do not agree with the death penalty, however I also do not agree with prisoners especially murderers or paedophileshould having privileges or parole whilst service a life sentence.

 @9LGVJR3Count Binfaceanswered…1wk1W

Only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence where the perpetrator is unable to be rehabilitated or at too high a risk to those around them


No, life in prison is both harsher, cheaper and in the case of wrongful imprisonment they are at least not dead


No because I cannot justify one person legally taking a live over another. However, I believe some people should not live.


To die alone locked away from the world would be a harsher punishment, however prisons are too soft and living standards inside could be lowered to make it an actual punishment


Yes, after intense background and evidence check to avoid false killing, probe into how much it would cost to keep them alive, risks of doing so, likelihood of rehabilitation and psychology assessments


How can you support death sentence when the courts can't comprehend the difference between not guilty and guilty


Yes if someone is given a life sentence and will never leave prison they can ask for execution instead.

 @9KVRWPNfrom Lisboa answered…1mo1MO

I do not support the death penalty. However, in severe cases, where rehabilitation is beyond possible scenarios, by then it should be applied.


If someone were to get raped, by using the death penalty for guilty charge, it will make less people speak up as they don't want someone to die, especially if they are close to them


I think prison is too easy for some people and I don’t believe for the worst crimes that they should be entitled to many privileges. Prison should be punishment and where life sentences have been handed out, that’s what it should mean with as little cost to the nation as possible. I believe they should take part in labour to repay the cost to incarcerate them.

 @9KSXJKFPlaid Cymruanswered…1mo1MO

Only for dog fowling - and the dog should be executed rather than the human. The human should just be maimed.


yes, for extreme situations where criminals are dangerous to most people around them, alongside being repeat offenders. but i do feel that most of the time, life in prison is a harsher sentence.


Yes but the victims family can decide the punishment only for horrific and undeniable crimes- if they don’t want to, the court will decide.


In the event of warcrimes or in situations where the person is to dangerous to be imprisoned e.g. Nazi War criminals, terrorist ect any other situation No


it depends on what the crime is but i think they should suffer in prison not having the lesuire to die


If you take someone else on purpose life you dont deserve there own however it depends how they act because if they are proud the death sentence but if they feel guilty it would be worse to spend life.


Death penalty should be reserved for people that commits genocide or war crimes after going through at least six courts, with all courts convicting them as guilty.


Yes I support this because If a murderer kills 60 people then they should be killed because if they are sentenced they still have the chance to murder again therefore I do support it in certain areas.

 @9JTFYQ5 answered…2mos2MO

No, serious crimes should result in life imprisonment, but also offer personal development programmes and psychological assessments with an incentive to reduce the sentence or be allowed to do public services so they can contribute to society.


under circumstances in which the perpetrator commited the crime, with no room for doubt, the crime commited must be severe enough to merit the punishment, the court could argue the severity of the crime, however those that have commited the worst crimes would be placed completley under the control of the victim's families.


no. you can't take back a death. life inprisionment can be reversed and compensated. but have it only for the worst crimes, undeniable evidence and picked by victums family.


so many people have been innocently convinced and they should get life in prison instead so they have to live with the gulit


No, they should be used for testing products like how animals are, only with undeniable evidence though.


At this point in time its too ethically messy. Considering how inaccurate the judicial system can be.


I think firstly, that many people are wrongfully convicted and also that rehabilitation is very important, but only if it can be proven that this person is willing to improve as a person. If not then I believe life in prison is the suitable punishment.


No for common criminals. Yes for leaders in a state of war. Common criminals should still have a chance to come to jesus if they don't pose a threat to civilians or can be contained in prison.


only to serial killers, terrorists and people working with terrorism. MUST HAVE STRONG EVIDENCE NOT JUST SUSPECTED.


Yes but only if they have murdered someone therefore their life should be taken too. Only if they’ve done it on purpose though.


Several people are innocently convicted, and by killing them, they get the easy way out, being forced to stay is harsher, and for those accused of horrific crimes, they should not be killed but kept in a total authoritarian prison where human rights are removed due to the horror, and made to work and be productive, similar but stricter and harsher than Soviet Gulags.


they should stay in a all white room for five years until all the evidence has been found for or against them


Yes but only if they take someone else’s life it should be life for life because that person will be in prison for what 25 years and they will be out one day but that person that’s now dead will never see their family or another day again


Yes, but only for mass-murderers, double-murderers, war criminals and terrorists. Keep it (the death penalty) banned for all other crimes

 @9FVSZ3V answered…7mos7MO

Only where the evidence is 100% authentic and reliable. Anyone who murders another with intent should automatically serve a whole of remaining life sentence with the option to be euthanised.


Only in the case of pedophiles that have been convicted beyond the shadow of a doubt or, especially, repeat offenders of sexual crimes


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