The death penalty or capital punishment is the punishment by death for a crime. Currently 58 countries worldwide allow the death penalty (including the U.S.) while 97 countries have outlawed it. The Murder (Abolition of Death Penalty) Act 1965 is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It abolished the death penalty for murder in Great Britain (the death penalty for murder survived in Northern Ireland until 1973). The act replaced the penalty of death with a mandatory sentence of imprisonment for life.
Yes, but for child sex offences and animal abuse and cruelty and sex offences against animals.
So your basically saying if someone commits a sex offence to an adult such as rape, they shouldn't get the death penalty but to hit an animal they should, are you sane in the head. Please don't run to be an MP
murderers and pedophiles should get it
No, I feel that inflicting death on any human is hypocritical as a punishment, saying that nobody can kill as it is a cardinal sin, but then going and killing the person who killed. In my eyes that would mean anybody involved in the decision of the death sentence would also then be described as murderers.
Yes, but only for mass-murderers, war criminals and terrorists
@9M4KN5R 4mos4MO
There has to be undeniable proof, too many mistakes have happened previously. Either that or prisons need sorting as not enough space for criminals as is.
if you murder then you should receive the death penalty to receive a punishment that relates to the crime
No but laws should be stricter and horrific crimes with undeniable evidence criminals should not be given options of parole, reduced sentences or good behavior benefits
Holding people for the death penalty is very expensive. However, when a crime especially to a child is so horrific the person who did the crime will now be a in a tax free room with 3 meals a day which is better living circumstances than innocent people.
Convicts with a life sentence should serve five years before termination, and if they are found to have been wrongly convicted then the prosecution that resulted in the death would suffer the same punishment.
Yes, if the evidence is undeniable and the individual 'doesn't care' about being in prison - prison should be more of a punishment than death - if the death penalty is passed, the money allocated to the prisoners receiving the death penalty should go elsewhere eg. education/NHS
Yes but only for pedophiles, child murders and rapists, and the victims family should decide the means of death.
Yes, but only for the most heinous of crimes and repeat offenders. Money saved should go to the victims' families and to community support projects.
Yes, but only for the worst and repeat offenders. It is wrong that taxpayers' money is used to keep evil people alive when the money could be spent on the deserving.
Yes but only for horrific crimes with undeniable evidence, as decided by the family, a minimum number of years after the crime was committed.
There should be hard labour, work camps prisons not prisons where you watch tv and read books all day.
@9J3L3H2Conservative 8mos8MO
While there is always going to be punishment involved with prison and legal offences, as should be the case, that comes in the form of not being allowed out, seeing your family for a short amount of time, struggling to find employment after release and being told what to do in cramped, uncomfortable conditions. Being in prison under the conditions at the moment is tough, and there should be a greater understanding of this. However, prison should also be about helping the prisoners become better people. While there are some that would have known what they were doing, and will not regret what… Read more
No but, the families should also be punished as well to serve as a deterant and Torture should also be mandated in cases of pedophillia
Yes but for extreme crimes
Yes - but it should be voluntary to people with a life sentence. and shouldn't be forced upon anyone.
Yes, but only for very violent crimes and if they are given a multiple layer check to see if they are innocent, and if they were intially given a fair trial.
Only Pedophiles, Zoophiles, Necrophiles, Rapists & Terrorists should have the death penalty P.S: Simping For Fictional Characters Does Not Count As Any Of These
For horrific crimes with undeniable evidence the criminal should spent the rest of their life in prison in harsh conditions
Only if the person on the penalty has been convicted of murdering someone and has been given a fair trial.
Yes, and retroactively sentence all convicts currently serving a whole life order under new guidelines and penalties.
@9QPN449 2mos2MO
Yes, on some cases. Some who have committed terrible crimes are able to be rehabilitated and use their experience to help those who could go down a similar path. Criminals who are proven to only wish to cause more pain going back into the world should have the death penalty.
No - solving murder with murder is not right. We live by morals that we should not kill but the death penalty essentially implies that there are people (law) who are allowed to kill.
Only for Pedophiles and Severe Extreme 1st degree murdere cases with indisputable evidence against them
I think we should have a real life purge once a year would solve a lot of problems and here would be no need for death penalty as well sort it out ourselves
Life imprisonment but with less support, rights and extreme basic necessities due to strip others of their human rights
depends on the crime however many innocent people are wrongly convicted so I am conflicted on the matter
according to my own research it costs less for the government to keep someone in prison for life than it does to go through the death penalty and all the legal side of it, i also don’t like giving the government permission to kill people.
For undeniable evidence of horrific crimes where death would be the harshest punishment but life imprisonment may be a worse punishment for others (would be a judgement call by the relevant people)
Yes, but only for criminal who have undeniable evidence against them and have committed a major crime
I think prisoners with life sentences should be given the choice during their sentence to undergo a kind of assisted suicide.
Yes, but make it opt in. A violent offender can choose between life imprisonment or lethal injection.
Not death penalty but death row so there is sufficient time to investigate evidence. I only support this for people like peodophiles, murderers, rapists. Otherwise, we should develop more laws and help for victims and not just punishment for the offender.
@9QLTD8MLiberal Democrat2mos2MO
Unfortunately no. It is the ultimate deterrent but we are more civilised than this. Imprisonment should be made less comfortable so that it is a real deterrent.
A little But it depends on what crime has been committed like rapists should get death penalty or life sentence.
No, but people who have committed horrendous crimes (murder, rape etc) shouldn’t have any rights, and should suffer in prison by having the minimum (no luxuries). Prison shouldn’t be a decent life for them.
i believe people shouldn’t have the right to kill another person because in most cases some could be innocent
Yes but only if they know they have committed crime and have life sentences which cause direct harm to others. Not drugs.
Rapists, sex offenders, perverts, murderers should be getting a death sentence unless it’s a self defence murder or evidential accidental murder. If it’s a purposeful and meaningful murder for taking someone’s life you should go with them.
I don’t need to say more about the rapists and perverts and sex offenders there’s people in this world with daughters even sons no one is safe. No one’s children are safe, you see on the news even headteachers are sex offenders imagine the amount of women that have to travel back from work at nighttime or going through an alley, or ANYWHERE! As a male it disgusts me that men and even women do this. Makes me sick that people could still be walking round and still alive knowing what they’ve done to an innocent persons life.
This really depends on a lot of variables, the severity of the crime and whether they should be rehabilitated.
yes, if they are super dangerous and you know its them so that they dont break out and hurt more people
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