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3 Replies

 @9G7P4PL commented…1yr1Y

The western media needs to wake up to the war crimes being committed by Israel. The citizens of Gaza do not deserve this. They have no water, electricity, medicine or food due to aid from Egypt being blown up by Israel. The people of Gaza have nowhere to go.
This is genocide. We need to return to the 1967 borders - the last LEGALLY recognised borders by the UN. Too many illegal Israeli settlements.


Israel under Netanyahu is a violent illegitimate state reminiscent of our own colonial history. I wonder how they'll explain the thousands of child skeletons when they clear the rubble to house more Jews. I hope those who move in will be haunted by the screams of infants dying by white phosphorus. The blood is on their hands.


Shows that israel is not all that innocent and actually puts perspectives on the people in the war and how they feel, not just a government controlling everything


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