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Cause your gonna make having a business and hiring people harder. Would put a lot of people in worse economic conditions


Reduce cost of living by reducing VAT and increase tax revenue by removing loop holes and increasing tax revenue from large corporations


Stats show countries with poor employment markets have higher rates of self employment. The countries with the highest self employment rate tend to be 3rd world countries that suffer economically.


So called skilled workers wages will have to increase inline with this everything will have to increase in price


 @9FT4N79from Grad Zagreb agreed…7mos7MO

Waging minimum wage will increase the overall price of goods for the general public and cause the minimum wage to need to be raised again. This will overall hurt the economy in the long term.


people deserve to live a comfortable life especially when they are still contributing to the economy

 @9FBMQGFfrom South Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

Waging minimum wage will increase the overall price of goods for the general public and cause the minimum wage to need to be raised again. This will overall hurt the economy in the long term.


100% of immigrants are poor and have no skills, nowhere near the WHITE british level. Increase drug trafficking to eliminate them and reintroduce workhouses.


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