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Deliberate, systematic extermination of a particular ethnic, racial, or cultural group, often driven by hatred or political motives, with profound humanitarian and historical consequences.
@9NYN74Z answered…8mos8MO
Netanyahu has been brainwashed by Zionism into thinking that only Jews have a right to the Holy land. The Allied countries, who after the war told the displaced Jewish people to go to Palestine, are as much to blame for the past 76 years of hell that the Palestinians have been put through, as anyone.The…
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@B2CVJKK commented…1mo1MO
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@B2C6LX3 commented…1mo1MO
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@B2CRY6D commented…1mo1MO
@8SZTB3Z commented…1mo1MO
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@B2D48LPfrom Ohio commented…4wks4W
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@9ZND5BF answered…3mos3MO
Uk should not be helping or supporting Netanyahu and israel they are commiting a genocide in gaza, starving Palestinians to death and in the west bank they're also living under extreme apartheid and in justice. Also israel is carrying out a war against the Lebanese and Iranians which is not right.…
@9H2LZXS answered…1yr1Y
@9QQ4MKL commented…7mos7MO
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@ISIDEWITH submitted…4wks4W
▲ 288 replies
“I do not like Musk's ideology or opinions. He is promoting hatred and spreading misinformation. His strong influence mus…”
“People with money should not have say in politics. Especially if they are not a citizen of the country.”
“It's a foreign advisor trying to oust the UK governement he should be sanctioned.”
@LegislativeMantis from Illinois linked…1yr1Y
▲ 192 replies
@ExuberantC0nsensu5 from Texas submitted…12mos12MO
▲ 10
@BoarsBartfrom Virginia submitted…11mos11MO
▲ 85 replies
@ISIDEWITH submitted…9mos9MO
▲ 82 replies
@DiplomatLapwing from Louisiana submitted…12mos12MO
@ISIDEWITH submitted…10mos10MO
▲ 3
@PuddingTaylorfrom Washington linked…1yr1Y
▲ 33 replies
▲ 22 replies
▲ 23 replies
@ISIDEWITH submitted…11mos11MO
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@J0intResolHarryfrom Maine submitted…10mos10MO
@UnstoppableOcelotfrom Arizona submitted…11mos11MO
▲ 21 reply
@GatoradeSamantha from Washington D.C. submitted…9mos9MO
@R1ghtWingSalt from Kansas linked…1yr1Y