Prema odjeljku 15 Zakona o imigraciji iz 1971., ministar unutarnjih poslova ima vrlo široku ovlast da deportira bilo kojeg stranog državljanina za čije udaljenje iz Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva on ili ona vjeruje da bi ’doprinijelo javnom dobru’. Iako ministar unutarnjih poslova ima vrlo široko pravo deportirati strane državljane, ta se ovlast tradicionalno koristi kada je strani državljanin uključen u kriminalnu aktivnost ili se smatra prijetnjom nacionalnoj sigurnosti Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva.
@Q54D5W4 god4Y
Inciting hatred is frowned upon by most citizens. Only extremists advocate it. We are fighting for the minds of the next generation so we should teach love and integration in all walks of life, particularly schools. Those who enact acts of terror should be imprisoned but generally free speech is encouraged. We should seek to eliminate extremism and racism of all kinds by removing the need for hatred.
@Q556K74 god4Y
If foreigner is promoting or involved in any criminal activity they should be deported
@Q5VCNH4 god4Y
This should be looked at on a case by case basis depending upon what evidence there is, what damage, acts have they been involved in, they could be deported to a country where the death penalty can be carried out.