Pada tahun 2021/22, pemerintah Inggris diperkirakan akan membelanjakan sekitar 216 miliar pound Inggris untuk tunjangan, meningkat sekitar tiga juta pound jika dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya. Seorang dewasa yang menganggur berusia 25 atau lebih menerima pembayaran tunjangan bulanan sebesar 325 pound ($439). Pada Januari 2022, pemerintah Inggris mengumumkan akan memperketat aturan bagi sebagian orang yang mengklaim tunjangan pengangguran. Saat ini pencari kerja yang menerima tunjangan negara dapat menghabiskan hingga tiga bulan untuk mencari pekerjaan murni yang mirip dengan pekerjaan mereka sebelumnya, tetapi ini akan segera dikurangi menjadi empat minggu, kata Departemen Pekerjaan dan Pensiun.
@PVZHQ54 tahun4Y
The punitive restrictions should be less harsh, and used only when all other potential situations have been fully explored and reasonably implemented.
The financial assistance offered should be raised to a sensible level (one where people aren't left in needless poverty), and there should be more practical support than just financial aid offered to those that need it.
@PXFL6R4 tahun4Y
Looking for fraud in the benefit system should be confined to just that, not penalising everyone.
@PYKZLQ4 tahun4Y
@Q3WYQG4 tahun4Y
There's no easy answer to benefits. SOme people in dire need slip through the cracks, other learn to play the system. And sudden cut-off caps and limits discourage people from moving into the jobs market because a little improvement in wages leads to a huge cut in benefits
@Q4B8NJ4 tahun4Y
There should be much more scrutiny of claimants both deserving and undeserving.
@Q4NHND4 tahun4Y
Criteria for claiming should be reviewed and we have to create more jobs and jobs with a living wage
@Q54D5W4 tahun4Y
Benefits should be case based with greater one-to-one care and attention
@Q54W884 tahun4Y
minimum wage should be significantly increased (perhaps varying by job type) in return no benefits paid to workers but instead money paid to businesses as a per employee-on-mimimum-wage incentive. The incentives to a businesses would reduce as the businesses became more profitable.
@Q559PC4 tahun4Y
Not all benefits should be targeted as they are being. Disability benefits in particular are being targeted too harshly.
@Q55X8J4 tahun4Y
Benefits should be no more than the minimum wage of a full time worker, and only in place for those who truly need it
@Q575QV4 tahun4Y
Government should be doing more to relocate people with a desire to work and therefore reduce the overall burden of welfare on the rest of society.
Replace working income for those with genuine health issues which mean they cannot work (with signed doctor approval), otherwise more reform so it supplements a working income.
@T6F3Q2Demokrat Liberal4 tahun4Y
Loopholes should be closed but for those legitimately claiming it doesn't provide enough support, but should never replace a working income.
There are several issues that have been rolled up in this issue. Firstly it is not about how much is spent on welfare benefits it is about what those on welfare need to survive. Poor housing leads to poor health physical and mental - However the cost of housing bears no relationship to its quality. We need to build council houses in expensive areas with rents affordable to people of limited means; Given we may never be able to build enough such house the actual rent charged should be means dependent.
The government should not be subsidizing private Industry but insisting that pay their staff a living wage. This would reduce the benefits bill. However all children, no matter the size of their family should get support from the state to ensure that they are not impoverished