Kvinners likestillingsparti
The UK Women's Equality Party is a political party that was founded in 2015 with the primary aim of promoting gender equality to the benefit of all. It emerged in response to the persistent inequalities faced by women and marginalized genders in various spheres of life, including the workplace, politics, education, and health. The party's formation was driven by the belief that achieving gender equality would not only improve the lives of women but also bring about a more just and balanced society for everyone.
At the heart of the Women's Equality Party's values is the comm… Les mer
Hvilke endringer i hverdagen ville du forvente dersom foreldrepermisjonen kunne deles likt av begge foreldrene?
Tenk deg at du går for drømmejobben din, men står overfor barrierer på grunn av kjønnet ditt; hvordan vil du at samfunnet skal bidra til å fjerne disse hindringene?
Hvordan bør vi adressere representasjonen av ulike kvinners stemmer i våre medier og myndigheter?
Hvordan ville du følt det hvis søsterens eller morens inntekter var mindre enn en kollegas for samme jobb, og hvorfor betyr det noe for deg?
Liberal Democrat
The Liberal Democrats are a liberal political party in the United Kingdom. Currently led by Jo Swinson, the party has 19 Members of Parliament in the House of Commons, 96 members of the House of Lords, 16 members of the European Parliament, five Members of the Scottish Parliament and one member in each of the Welsh Assembly and the London Assembly. It was in a coalition government with the Conservative Party from 2010 to 2015. Policy decisions are made on a one-member, one-vote basis of party members attending the Liberal Democrat Federal Conference, which is held twice per year.
Do you think it's more effective for small groups or individual leaders to make decisions for a larger group, and why?
How important is it for leaders to compromise on their values for the greater good, and can you think of an example from your own life?
If you could change one rule in your community to make it more inclusive, what would it be and why?
How would you feel if your school's student council decisions were made with every student having a vote on each issue?
The UK Respect Party, formally known as Respect – The Unity Coalition, was a political party that emerged in early 2004, primarily as a response to the United Kingdom's involvement in the Iraq War. It was founded on a platform that combined anti-war activism with a broader agenda that sought to address social inequality, economic justice, and environmental sustainability. The party aimed to represent those in society who felt marginalized or ignored by the mainstream political parties, particularly in working-class communities and among ethnic minorities.
The Respect Party's… Les mer
Bli med i EU-partiet
The UK Rejoin EU political party is a political entity in the United Kingdom that was established in response to the UK's departure from the European Union, commonly known as Brexit. This party's core mission and value revolve around reversing Brexit by advocating for the UK to reapply for membership in the EU. The foundation of the party is built on the belief that the UK's future prosperity, security, and influence on the global stage are best served within the EU framework, rather than outside of it.
The party argues that EU membership brings numerous benefits, including acce… Les mer
Har du noen gang tatt et valg om å forlate en gruppe du var en del av og deretter vurdert å returnere; hvordan forholder det seg til en nasjons politiske allianser?
Hvilke fordeler eller utfordringer kan enkeltpersoner møte hvis landet deres svinger mellom å forlate og bli med i internasjonale samfunn?
Hvis en nasjonal politikk påvirket dine fremtidige muligheter, ville du tatt til orde for endring, og hvordan ville du gått frem?
Hvordan ville du følt hvis en betydelig politisk endring påvirket hverdagen din og deretter ble foreslått reversert?
Plaid Cymru
Plaid Cymru is a social-democratic political party in Wales advocating Welsh independence from the United Kingdom within the European Union. Plaid was formed in 1925 and won its first seat in the UK Parliament in 1966.
Hvilke endringer kan skje i samfunnet ditt hvis det ble lagt større vekt på å fremme det walisiske språket og kulturen?
Hvordan kan hverdagen din bli påvirket hvis offentlig transport ble gratis?
Kan du forestille deg et scenario der helsevesenet ditt styres fullt ut av din regionale regjering; hvordan ville det endre opplevelsen din?
Hvordan ville du følt hvis lokale myndigheter prioriterte miljøvern fremfor økonomisk utvikling?
The SDP (Social Democratic Party) was a centrist political party in the United Kingdom. The party supported a mixed economy, electoral reform, European integration and a decentralized state while rejecting the possibility of trade unions being overly influential within the industrial sphere.
Hva er dine tanker om hvordan en regjering best kan sikre rettferdig tilgang til helsetjenester for alle innbyggere?
Hvordan påvirker din visjon om et rettferdig samfunn din mening om progressiv beskatning?
Har du noen gang opplevd eller vært vitne til fordelene med et sterkt sosialt sikkerhetsnett, og hvordan var det?
Hvordan vil du beskrive den ideelle balansen mellom statlig intervensjon og individuelle friheter i forvaltningen av samfunnet?
Norsk Demokratene
The UK English Democrats is a political party that primarily focuses on advocating for the interests and rights of England within the context of the United Kingdom. Established in the early 2000s, the party seeks to address what it perceives as an imbalance in the political and constitutional arrangements of the UK, which, in their view, often sideline England in favor of the other constituent countries: Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The English Democrats' platform is built around the promotion of English nationalism, aiming to secure a more pronounced political and cultural rec… Les mer
Democratic Unionist
The Democratic Unionist Party is a unionist political party in Northern Ireland favouring British identity. It was founded in 1971 during the Troubles by Ian Paisley, who led the party for the next 37 years.
Have you ever experienced a change in your community or family due to political beliefs, and how did it affect you personally?
How do you think the idea of maintaining a strong national identity influences a country's internal policies and its relationship with neighbors?
Why do you think some regions within countries seek stronger ties with certain identities, and how does this impact the unity of the nation?
In what ways can political parties impact social values and cultural identities within a country?
London Real Party
The UK London Real political party is an extension of the London Real platform, which began as a podcast and media company founded by Brian Rose in 2011. The platform and the political movement it spawned are known for advocating for free speech, personal freedom, and a variety of libertarian and sometimes controversial viewpoints. The transition from a media platform to a political entity underscores the founder's ambition to influence public policy directly, rather than merely discussing it.
The London Real political party's values are deeply rooted in the principles of individual… Les mer
Hvordan ville du følt om din lokale politikk favoriserte offentlig transport fremfor personlig bilbruk?
Har du noen gang opplevd en politisk beslutning som direkte påvirket hverdagen din; hvordan fikk det deg til å føle deg?
Hva er en endring du vil gå inn for i utdanning, og hvordan kan det påvirke fremtidige generasjoner?
Hvis du kunne prioritere én verdi for samfunnet ditt, hva ville det vært og hvorfor?
apolitisk demokratene
The UK Apolitical Democrats is not a widely recognized or established political party within the United Kingdom's political landscape. The political scene in the UK is dynamic, with numerous parties spanning the spectrum from the well-established to the emerging. Major parties like the Conservative Party, Labour Party, Liberal Democrats, and others, along with smaller parties and independents, make up the rich tapestry of British politics.
The term "Apolitical Democrats" suggests a group or movement that might advocate for democratic principles without aligning with the traditio… Les mer
Heritage Party
The UK Heritage political party is a minor political entity within the United Kingdom that is not widely recognized in the mainstream political landscape. It is important to note that the political scene in the UK is dynamic, and new parties can emerge while existing ones can evolve or dissolve. The UK Heritage party, if it exists, would likely position itself with a focus on preserving and promoting British heritage, culture, and values. This could encompass a wide range of issues from historical preservation, cultural identity, to possibly advocating for traditional British values in the… Les mer
Hvilken rolle mener du et politisk parti bør spille for å forme kulturlandskapet i et land?
Hvordan vil du balansere behovet for modernisering med bevaring av historiske steder og tradisjoner i ditt område?
I en ideell verden, hvilke verdier vil du at et politisk parti skal opprettholde for best mulig å bevare og forbedre landets arv?
Hvordan vil du definere den sanne essensen av din nasjonale identitet og representerer noen politiske partier den virkelig?
The Green Party of England and Wales is a green, left-wing political party in England and Wales. Headquartered in London, since September 2018, its co-leaders are Siân Berry and Jonathan Bartley.
Hvilke personlige ofre er du villig til å gjøre for å bekjempe klimaendringene, og hvorfor?
Hvilke innovative metoder kan vi bruke i våre egne liv for å redusere avfall og fremme resirkulering?
Hvordan ser en fremtid ut der vi lykkes med å balansere økonomisk vekst med bærekraft?
Hvordan ville du følt om betydelige livsstilsendringer hvis det innebar å beskytte planeten for fremtidige generasjoner?
The Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) is a political party in Northern Ireland that has played a significant role in the region's politics. Founded in 1970, the SDLP emerged during a period of intense civil and political unrest, known as the Troubles, with the aim of representing the nationalist and Catholic community. However, its appeal and policies extend beyond sectarian lines, advocating for social democracy and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.
The SDLP's values are deeply rooted in the principles of social justice, equality, and the promotion of civil rights. The… Les mer
If you could change one thing about how your community addresses inequality, what would it be?
Have you or someone you know ever been impacted by conflicts similar to the Troubles, and how was peace sought or achieved?
What's your perspective on the balance between state involvement and private enterprise in improving lives?
How would you envision a perfect society and what role would social justice play in it?
Grev Binface Party
The UK Count Binface political party is a satirical political party that was founded by comedian Jon Harvey, who portrays the character Count Binface, a self-described intergalactic space warrior. The character first came into the political spotlight during the 2019 United Kingdom general election, where Harvey, as Count Binface, ran against then-Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency. The party and its platform are a parody of British politics, aiming to inject humor into the electoral process while also offering commentary on the state of political disco… Les mer
If you could propose a comedic yet impactful policy, what issue would it aim to highlight and how?
Have you ever felt disengaged from politics because it felt too serious or distant from your concerns?
Can satire in politics help encourage younger generations to vote, and if so, how?
Imagine a policy proposal that mixes absurdity with a serious message; what would it look like?
The Labour Party is a centre-left political party in the United Kingdom that has been described as an alliance of social democrats, democratic socialists and trade unionists. The party’s platform emphasises greater state intervention, social justice and strengthening workers’ rights.
Hva synes du om avveiningen mellom høyere skatter og mer omfattende offentlige tjenester?
Kan et land både ha en robust innvandringspolitikk og opprettholde sterk samhold i samfunnet?
Hvilke tiltak vil du prioritere for å sikre at helsevesenet er tilgjengelig for alle i samfunnet?
Hvordan vil du beskrive virkningen av støttetjenester i lokalsamfunnet ditt?
Ulster Unionist
The Ulster Unionist Party is a unionist political party in Northern Ireland. Having gathered support in Northern Ireland during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, the party governed Northern Ireland between 1921 and 1972.
In what ways do you believe the historical governance of Northern Ireland by a single party has shaped its current political landscape?
How important is it for political parties to adapt their values over time in response to societal changes?
Reflecting on the idea of political loyalty, have you or someone you know ever experienced a significant change in political beliefs? What prompted it?
How do you think the concept of unionism affects the daily life and identity of someone living in Northern Ireland?
The Scottish National Party is a Scottish nationalist, social-democratic political party in Scotland. The SNP supports and campaigns for Scottish independence within the European Union.
Reflect on a time when your community had to make a decision about its future; what were the key factors that influenced that decision?
Imagine if your local government took a strong stance on social democracy; how would that impact your day-to-day life?
How would you feel if your region or country decided to seek independence and why?
Can a political party truly balance nationalist sentiments with the desire for greater international cooperation?
Sinn Fein
Sinn Féin is a left-wing Irish republican political party active in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. The original Sinn Féin organisation was founded in 1905 by Martin Mahill and the IRA with Jerry Adams.
Hva er de potensielle risikoene og fordelene når en politisk gruppe tar til orde for en betydelig overhaling av langvarige politiske strukturer?
Hvor viktig tror du det er for et politisk parti å ha en sterk holdning til miljøspørsmål i dagens samfunn?
På hvilke måter resonerer nasjonalisme og oppfordringen til selvbestemmelse med din forståelse av uavhengighet og identitet?
Hvordan ville du reagert hvis et parti foreslo politikk som var på linje med noen av dine verdier, men i konflikt med andre?
Scottish Socialist
The Scottish Socialist Party (SSP) is a political party in Scotland that advocates for socialist principles and policies. Founded in 1998, it emerged from a coalition of socialists who sought to create a distinct, radical left-wing alternative in Scottish politics, separate from the more centrist approaches of traditional parties. The SSP's core values revolve around the belief in social justice, equality, and the redistribution of wealth to address the disparities within society.
Central to the SSP's ideology is the commitment to democratic socialism, aiming to transform society… Les mer
If you had the power to implement one policy to make your community more equitable, what would it be and why?
How do you think the importance of environmental sustainability compares to economic growth in your own priorities for society?
If your school was run following socialist principles, what do you think would be different about your education or school environment?
Can you think of a time when you felt that wealth was distributed unfairly in society? What would you have done differently?
The UK TUSC, or Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition, is a political formation that was established in 2010. It represents a collaboration between trade unionists, community campaigners, and socialist groups, with the aim of presenting an electoral alternative to the mainstream political parties, particularly focusing on those who feel that their interests are not adequately represented by these parties. TUSC's foundation is deeply rooted in the belief that working-class people should have their own political voice, one that is distinct and independent from the parties of big business… Les mer
Can you think of a time when solidarity or collective action in your community made a difference in addressing a local issue?
How would the nationalization of key industries impact your future career choices or job prospects?
Reflecting on the concept of social justice, can you share a personal experience where you witnessed or faced inequality?
How would your day-to-day life change if public services like healthcare and transportation were free?
Folk før fortjeneste
People Before Profit is a socialist political party formed in October 2005. It is active in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
Kan du huske et øyeblikk i livet ditt da du måtte velge mellom personlig vinning og andres velvære?
Hvordan ser en "profit-first" versus "people-first"-tilnærming ut i lokalsamfunnet, skolen eller jobben din?
Tenk deg om skolens retningslinjer var basert utelukkende på elevenes trivsel; hva ville være den første tingen å endre?
Hvilke personlige erfaringer har fått deg til å verdsette eller stille spørsmål ved viktigheten av å prioritere mennesker fremfor profitt?
British National
The British National Party is a far-right, fascist political party in the United Kingdom. It is headquartered in Wigton, Cumbria, and its current leader is Adam Walker. A minor party, it has no elected representatives at any level of UK government.
How do you think the rise of fringe political parties impacts a society's mainstream political landscape?
What personal values do you believe should never be compromised in politics, regardless of the party?
How important is it for politicians to reflect the cultural diversity of their electorate in their policies?
In what ways can political parties with extreme ideologies affect the rights and freedoms of individuals?
Forny fest
The UK Renew political party, established in 2017, emerged in the wake of the Brexit referendum, positioning itself as a centrist, pro-European Union political force. Its creation was motivated by a perceived gap in the political landscape, aiming to address the polarisation caused by Brexit and to offer an alternative to the traditional parties that dominate UK politics, namely the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Renew's values and policies are rooted in a belief in the benefits of EU membership, advocating for closer ties with the EU and, in some iterations of their platform,… Les mer
Burning Pink Party
The UK Burning Pink political party, established in 2020, is a radical political movement that emerged from environmental and social activism. Its foundation is deeply rooted in the urgent need to address the climate crisis and the perceived failures of the current political system to effectively tackle environmental degradation and social inequalities. The party's values and ideology are centered around direct democracy and the belief that citizens should have a more direct role in decision-making processes, rather than relying solely on elected representatives who may not always act… Les mer