Yes, everyone should receive an income to cover basic necessities including food and housing
No, this will encourage people not to work and harm economic growth

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The government should do all it can to encourage people into work, and ensure that all jobs pay enough to cover basic necessities including food and housing.

 @9LKBLXCanswered…3 days3D

Yes, but offer significant incentives to work ,for those able bodied, and provide opportunities and education programmes to the unemployed.

 @9LK2BYYanswered…3 days3D

Only implement if AI takes over a lot of jobs. If it is introduced, tax it on a curve so that the richest receive essentially nothing from it while the poorest receive more.

 @9LJHN8Tanswered…5 days5D

People should demonstrate a level of contribution to community to be eligible for any Universal Income. This could include charity work and or community work of X hours a week to be eligible.


This would need to be tied to rent control, otherwise it’s just a subsidy to landlords. Better to just have proper rent control etc and actually manage the cost of living.


No, because only the people who need this should get it, and if the situation got so bad that it did they should get it

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