Yes, drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue
No, this would encourage drug use and lower funding for rehabilitation centers
Yes, this is necessary to reduce the drug overdose death rate
No, but legalize drugs

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 @9LJQZFJ answered…3 days3D

No, drug users need to be put into rehabilitation to help them the first time and prison anytime afterwards


Yes, but all illegal drugs should be decriminalised and prescription only drugs should be available to purchase.


Drug addiction is a mental issue though it should, usually, be taken care of in rehabilitation centers


Class A substances should be completely banned and any person found using them should face harsh sentences however less potent drugs like cannabis or other organic contraband should be decriminalised rather than made legal


I think they should use the save havens but only to reduce the drug use for each individual gradually overtime


No this is makes more people turn into addicts help drug users get off harsh drugs and legalise cannabis seriously theres one thing that needs to be illegal and that's alcohol fools!

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