Yes, drug abuse should be treated as a health issue, not a criminal issue
No, this would encourage drug use and lower funding for rehabilitation centers
Yes, this is necessary to reduce the drug overdose death rate
No, but legalize drugs

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They should use them to reduce the drugs they are taking and make them clean and the have a programme to integrate with society


The people doing illegal drugs will be arrested by the Police. The illegal drug users will only have 1 chance of redeeming themselves as medical professionals will give them advice on how to stop. If the illegal drug users cant follow the advice then they will be arrested for life.


All drug addicts should be taken to a free version of rehab centres but shall not be arrested just for drugs


i think that there should be restrictions and regulations but drugs should be legal just controlled and come with advice.


Yes, however, it must be done correctly, there must be infrastructure ready to help these people, otherwise we could end up with a similar situation to places like San Francisco


No, but encourage greater social opportunity and rehabilitation centres to encourage a distancing from drug reliance/overdosing

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