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Yes, however if there is a legitimate reason; ie Physical/Mental illnesses, then no action should be taken by the government.


There are various reasons as to why children truant from school; whether it is bullying, health issues, struggling with schoolwork, more help and resources should be provided to look into why children truant.

 @9LPL9DNanswered…3 days3D

If the offence is committed, the student should be given the right to not attend, however, if the offence directly links to their grades being unsatisfying or under the average, the student should be forewarned about this, if the behaviour doesn't change, the student should be forced to re-do the year entirely

 @9LP7656answered…4 days4D

Yes, but there should be a support system established for parents who are struggling to get their child to engage in education, and for those who do not understand the importance of education.

 @9LMW7N4answered…6 days6D

I fail to see how imprisoning the parent of a persistently truanting child is likely to improve that child's life chances - this does not seem a matter worthy of imprisonment but more something that should be managed between social workers, schools, parents, and other professionals if required


Depending on the students grades. If an intelligent student who wouldn’t suffer from missing a few school days should be allowed. If however a student is not doing successful then stricter rules should apply to their attendance, however this would also include an inquiry as to why they are struggling with their education, such as undiagnosed learning difficulty conditions and behavioural issues. Having an awareness of obstacles that could impact a child’s learning.

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