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 @9L9XJ9Ffrom Florida answered…2wks2W

No, but there should be regulation and limits to it, especially in regards to fact checking. Political ads shouldn't be shown algorithmically as this can lead to echo chambers, misinformation, and extremism


Yes, I think all paid advertising is detrimental to society. I would perhaps rather have a social media devoted to solely to politics rather than intermingled with other types of information. And it's mechanisms and use be given and taught to all through yearly community/council-led initiatives, so that all citizens can engage in the shaping of their education, lives and laws.


Ads or content funded or produced by political parties should be banned, but the public should be allowed to use social media sites to discuss political issues without sites banning them for supposedly advertising political viewpoints.

 @9KWJX9T answered…1mo1MO

No, but all political advertising should be clearly identified and follow a well-designed code of conduct


No but tighter regulations should be implemented to ensure truth and fairness are adhered to and misinformation is removed, acknowledged as such and any further advertising by offending party/individual be prohibited

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