Yes, but the government should provide free language learning courses
No, we should embrace the diversity that immigrants add to our country
Yes, and remove multilingual translations from government documents and services
No, but remove multilingual translations from government documents and services

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Yes but they will need documents to be translated until they are fluent. I don’t agree with the government providing free lessons but immigrants should make every effort to educate themselves


Yes, but also UK language education should be better at teaching 2nd and 3rd languages to people with english as their first language.


No, if they learned Scots, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, Irish or England in any of those countries that would be fine, and those languages should be promoted


Yes, a basic understanding of our language should be a requirement to enter the country with exceptions for those in danger but they should have to learn within 6 months of entering the country.


We should embrace the diversity that immigrants bring whilst also providing resources like free language courses


They should atleast know some basic English but the government should provide free language courses.

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