Yes, the government should receive equity for any financial aid they provide to companies
No, the government should never own shares of private companies
No, this impedes technological progress due to competition being stifled

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No, but financial assistance should come with conditions on fair work and pay and transparent tax arrangements.


There should be no bailing out of companies and, if there is any, the government should acquire shares which are automatically paid off over time so the government has no stake in the company as soon as possible.


No, the government shouldn't bail out companies. In the case of utilities, etc, the government should buy as 100% share holders

 @8YPK9B4 answered…6mos6MO

Yes, but the government should be a sleeping partner and not be in a position to make decisions about how the company is run.


Yes as compensation but they shouldn't be bailing them out in the first place

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