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Results from East Midlands voters
48,915 total votes
Last answered 22 hours ago
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a. Reject 'Alice in Wonderland' Politics, Blair Tells Labour News
9 years ago by
b. New Candidate Jolts Mexican Politics
9 years ago by
c. Every Major British Political Party – Except the Conservatives – Currently Led
9 years ago by
d. Vote for Ukip, Say Far-Right Group Britain First
10 years ago by
e. Election 2015: Seven-Party TV Debate Plan Announced News
10 years ago by
f. Scotland Started a Glorious Revolution. Don’t Let Westminster Snuff It Out
10 years ago by
Data based on unique submissions (duplicates or multiple submissions are eliminated) per user using a 30-day moving average to reduce daily variance from traffic sources. Totals may not add up to exactly 100% as we allow users to submit "grey area" stances that may not be categorized into yes/no stances.
Data based on 30-day moving average to reduce daily variance from traffic sources. Totals may not add up to exactly 100% as we allow users to submit "grey area" stances that may not be categorized into yes/no stances.